Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Unlike the other indigenous peoples of - TopicsExpress


Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Unlike the other indigenous peoples of Sarawak, who grow most of their food, the Penan are hunter-gatherers. Famous for the silent blowpipes and poison darts they use for hunting, the Penan particularly prize wild pigs. They also hunt deer and smaller animals, and catch fish in the many rivers that flow through their land. Sago is the Penan’s traditional staple food, and comes from the core of a small palm tree. The Penan process it by trampling on it, and leave it in the sun to dry into a powder. They also gather ferns and fruit from the forest. Many of the more settled Penan have started to plant rice. In areas where the forests have been cleared for logging and oil palm plantations, it is becoming almost impossible for the Penan to sustain themselves.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 03:55:29 +0000

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