Saying today on the Department of Halloween and wanted to invite - TopicsExpress


Saying today on the Department of Halloween and wanted to invite you to put together this prayer ! Listen first to share a recent generous Story: There once was a Christian, generous meals when degree that he saw an enduring prayer , then walked over and asked him : Huh ? You are all Christians ? Are you praying for the baa ah ? Drainage if you agree , satanist canal , canal is tight Christians pray that drainage Die crimes from God ! Do not know really set false Mile story , but Satan does not wait for me like Link Die pray that the world out of love their God. Brothers and sisters , I Die most powerful weapon Bei generous generous faith prayer , even I Die even have to pray that God generous working point was brought down to it ? May we all so busy , but really want to invite you today to pray God put generous thing Li , guarding it with a prayer over the city ! Prayer : 1 . Declare that Jesus is Lord , He is the King of kings and Lord of lords , his name in Hong Kong, and they are exalted . (2) name of Jesus Christ , driving the enemy confuse peoples minds work, do not make people plunged into confusion on Halloween . 3 Halloween activities for participating pray that God will keep them not to get frightened, and it will not come into contact with evil spirits. Pray that they understand the issues involved and the negative impact of Halloween , so that they no longer involved . 4 for the believers to pray that God will give them wisdom to understand the spiritual influence behind Halloween , give them wisdom and love to share , so that others understand the reasons for believers not to participate , but also to admonish others not to participate. 5 to pray for the major institutions . Many schools celebrate Halloween activities , believers will face many challenges. Also for co-workers and his disciples to pray , different institutions have initiated the Christian prayer meeting for the campus watch. Come on , soldier of Christ , come on !
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 05:07:28 +0000

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