Says: Because I dabble in the world of motivation and self-help I - TopicsExpress


Says: Because I dabble in the world of motivation and self-help I am often ask about my Religious and Spiritual beliefs. Anyone that has been around me for very long will be able to tell you that I will offer an opinion on most any subject. To me Knowledge is power. I was ask the other night Why do you give a rip about politics I simply stated that knowledge is power and to be powerful in this world you need to be up to date on many subjects. You never know what influence you may have on someones mind. You may not even know that they are listening to your conversation. I also understand the need to watch entertaining movies and play wonderful video games but I often see the deficiencies that have a crippling effect on ones life. My fear is that the political leaders are doing us in while we watch other things. It is the old bait and switch technique. You see it with the 777 that has disappeared. It has dominated the news and has taken some of heat off of our leaders in DC. What I would like to discuss with you today s the necessity of becoming a spiritual being. Bhagavad Gita once said that We are born into the world of nature; our second birth is into the world of spirit. Few of us have been trained to tap into the power of our minds. We have been raised on a steady diet of logic, rationality and a Believe it when you see it mentality. In short, we have been brought up to believe only in those things that we can understand and verify. Miracles cannot be understood by the rational mind. They escape logic. They cannot be understood in the ways we have been conditioned to think. Therefore, in order to enter the world of real MAGIC you will need to learn how to go way beyond your rational mind and enter the dimension of spirituality. In my readings I often find things that touch my way of thinking. William Blakes Auguries of Innocence is one small example of how you look at your life...... To see a world in a grain of sand......and a Heaven in a wild flower...... Hold infinity in the palm of your hand........ and Eternity in an hour...... We are led to believe a LIE..... When we see with, not through the eye...... Which was born in a night, to perish in a night...... When the Soul slept in beams of light..... How magnificent a vision!!! Holding infinity in the palm of your hand. Indeed we are led to the big lie.... that we are just these aging bodies. Instead, Blake reminds us that our soul, our spiritual being, does not die nor is it born, but is eternal and formless as a beam of light. I really think we spend too much time listening to other people and not enough time feeling our own heart. Take time to withdraw into your personal world and consider all the miracles that have come your way. Take the positive approach for a change. No one wants to here your problems. EVERY ONE HAS ACHES AND PAINS AND HARD SHIPS SO TRY TO KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF AND CONSIDER A LIFE OF POSITIVE......JUST SAYING.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:02:13 +0000

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