Sayyiduna Imam al-Hasan (Radi Allahu Taala Anho) Good manners and - TopicsExpress


Sayyiduna Imam al-Hasan (Radi Allahu Taala Anho) Good manners and disposition are ten: 1. Truth in Speech 2. Strongly opposing falsehood 3. Charity 4. To repay favours 5. Kindness of kith and kin 6. Protect your neighbour 7. Right enjoined upon you on all creation 8. Entertaining guests 9. Etiquette and 10. The most important is Shame and modesty. The best characteristic regarded amongst the wise is wisdom of Taqwah (fear of Allah SubHanuhu wa Taala) and the worst characteristic is bad behaviour and bad manners. Those who extend a hand of friendship towards you then become friends with them you will be regarded as just. Your age continues to increase while your life span decreases therefore assist somebody while you can with anything you have. Momin is he who provides for himself in the hereafter while a Kafir (rejecter of Faith) is he who is busy in providing for himself the comforts of the World.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:10:55 +0000

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