ScMS Std Chartered Marathon Singapore - 7 December 2014 IAAF Gold - TopicsExpress


ScMS Std Chartered Marathon Singapore - 7 December 2014 IAAF Gold Labelled Marathon ABOUT 11,000 full marathoners My 14th marathon for year 2014 Rank - Champion - Women Age category Time - 4:04:52 I ran this marathon SCMS first in 2002, which was an inaugural SCMS. The last 2 yrs I read not very good review of this event but finally I decided that I shld give it a try! Afterall, I am a season marathoner I shldnt need to fear it. Its grown from a mere 6,000 runners of all distances to today abt 65,000 runners. This is massive. After the recent Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM) having not able to get drinks from water station if u dont wanna queue I do hv my reservation in this marathon! The day came n this morning I woke up at 2:40 am. Was trying to go toilet first but the feeling was zilch! Zero! Lol. So had my drink coffee n a piece of fruit n toast not much I could put into my tummy at that early hours. Then my bro in law drove me to Wheelock Plc n off I went. It was not that great to see the drop bag queue was very long. Nevertheless, finally alls done. While queuing met Stephen Doliente, a fellow new runner from the Phillipines. Twas gonna b his maiden marathon. So both of us made way to the start line. Made it in good time with 15 mins to spare. PM Tran XP knew he was just closed by. We were going to follow the 3:45 balloons. That we did. Was fun chatting with Doris Teo n Mai Tran Ho a short catch up! Bang the gunshot went off.. my final marathon joirney began. It was uneventful. But gees there was no movement in the air still I followed the balloon till abt km 15. Said hi to Tran. But shortly I decided to drop the pace as I felt the heat. I even took off my cap coz my head was feeling un comfortable! I ran with Stephen still tagging along with my but finally I told him to keep goin with 3:45 while I drop off. Tran was with 3:45 too running strongly I saw. I hv no regret. I love to run on my own.. I love that feeling .. n talkin to myself! Yes . I think n i reckon I hv gone mad!! Haha! Running my 14th marathon! I set a good rythm n running pace. Just happy running ya. Dont care if I cant hit 3:45. Afterall its so hot. Not half as hot as Jakarta M but hot! Shortly I Stephen yelled out n join me again n we both ran together again. Then I get to the marina the Shearers bridge.. the upslope was major n the heat was getting even more intense! Suddenly before the bridge I heard someone calling out! Maggie! I could recognise the voice of tran. He cldnt move stretching probably. But I didnt wanna stop for fear of not able to start again! Lol I acknowlegde him n went in my journey of my final marathon of the year! After the bridge I was feeling so happy as its the final2 km. By then Stephen dropped his pace n got left behind. I went on but my happiness was shortlived! The road was filled eith runners. I weaved thru can even pick my pace n so plod along till I get to finish line! Could hv save 90 seconds but.. finally arrived at finishline. Twas unbelievable there was no tent for runners to relax n rest for a short while. Worse, even the First Aid tent was only so so so tiny. Met up with Sitor Situmorang n Nancy Jacksonnancyn also stephen. N Carlo Piani was seconds ahead of me. N hell we had to walk abt 15 mins to pick up our bag! Oh well finally got to baggage area. Cleaned up n went home with me bro in law. It was his firs half marathon n he was feeling sick from the dehydration.. poor him! My opinion definitely not a favourite. N if I wanna run it again must complete b4 4 hours so I wont meet the 10 km runners. I understand that for the slower runners hving no water from km 37 is not a good sign for SCMS!! But am happy with my result of Champion age catrgory. Definitely ran faster than 12 years ago!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:02:41 +0000

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