Scapegoating from a medical viewpoint and from a modern - TopicsExpress


Scapegoating from a medical viewpoint and from a modern perspective. Projection: Unwanted thoughts and feelings can be unconsciously projected onto another who becomes a scapegoat and thus the one to blame for ones own problems. This concept can be extended to projection by groups. In this case the chosen individual, or group, becomes the scapegoat for another groups problems. Political agitation in all countries is full of such projections, just as much as the backyard gossip of little groups and individuals.[3] Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung considered indeed that there must be some people who behave in the wrong way; they act as scapegoats and objects of interest for the normal ones. In management: Scapegoating is a known practice in management where a lower staff employee is blamed for the mistakes of senior executives. This is often due to lack of accountability in upper management. Introjection:- is when the person or group that is the target of projection takes that on board and begins to feel that they are to blame for the problems being experienced by the individual or group who want to avoid accepting responsibility for their unwanted thoughts, feelings or actions. For example, a teacher who constantly gets blamed or accused of wrongdoing could be a scapegoat if said teacher is only guilty of doing her job so well that she makes her co-workers and supervisory administration look bad. This could result in letters being placed in permanent files, condescending remarks from co-workers and constant blame finding from administration. Or In Politics. A person who insists on exposing the truth of a situation that an individual or group is consciously or unconsciously trying to conceal can be branded and the anarchistic trouble maker and one who must be outcast and side-lined in order for another individual or group to have recognition and acceptance by either the authorities or the people. The chosen scapegoat will be personally threatened and humiliated whilst being publically maligned, lied about and vilified in order to try to make others bond together to cast out the demonised person in order for group cohesion, acceptance and peace to prevail. Makes you think about whats happening here, now today, doesnt it.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:58:52 +0000

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