Scared of snakes? Then you may want to avoid the rainforests of - TopicsExpress


Scared of snakes? Then you may want to avoid the rainforests of Southeast Asia and South America, since they’re home to the two largest snake species on Earth. The reticulated python of Southeast Asia grows to between 20 and 30 feet long, and can weigh as much as 250 pounds. The word “reticulated” refers to the pattern on their skin. Green anacondas, which are native to the swamps and rain forests of South America, grow to around the same length, but can weigh upwards of 500 pounds, making them the heaviest snakes on Earth. Pythons and anacondas are both constrictors, who use their muscles, rather than venom, to kill prey, such as wild pigs and deer. But deadly venom is the weapon of choice for other snakes. The king cobra, which is native to Asia, packs enough venom in one bite to kill up to 20 people. A bite could kill a human in about 15 minutes. The coral snake is one of the most venomous species here in the U.S. A bite seems mild at first, but without anti-venom medication, the poison will start to shut down the nervous system within 12 hours, eventually leading to cardiac arrest. But snake venom could actually prove to be beneficial to humans. Medical researchers are looking to different kinds of snake venom to help in the fight against cancer. The proteins in venom can potentially be used to kill cells in humans that lead to tumor growth. And if you’re still nervous about snakes, you can always move to New Zealand. There are no land snakes in New Zealand – either native or introduced. But just be sure your flight to New Zealand doesn’t have an unscheduled stopover in the Amazon rainforest.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:40:46 +0000

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