Scenario: youre at your job that you work 5 days a week to support - TopicsExpress


Scenario: youre at your job that you work 5 days a week to support yourself and your family. Your boss walks in your office looking perplexed... Your boss: you know, my kids are graduating, going to prom and on the way to college and my wifes planned huge parties and such, plus we just renovated the basement and our family trip is coming up. I am just spending way too much money... can I pay you half of what you worked for last week? You: *blankstare... no sir I need all my money. I have a family and bills as well (you snap in shock and disbelief) I have said it before and Im gonna say it again, if you are treating people who provide services for you the same way as the boss in that scenario, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Your lawn care specialists, auto mechanics, barbers, hairstylists, nail techs, graphic designers, home improvement specialists and any one else who provides a LUXURY for you deserve whatever compensation they are asking for. They have families and lives to pay for just like you and may even hustle harder to make stuff happen. If you cant afford the price their asking doesnt it just make sense to find An option that fits your budget? Dont disrespect folks hustle. Im not posting this because someone did it to me (although it happens to hairstylists more times than not), but Im tired of watching it happen... its wrong and it ticks me off. I POST THIS IN ABSOLUTE LOVE THO. Consider the hard work and long hours your service professional puts in to earn a living and let it move you to tip well and refer them business. IJS #veryrandomrant #justfinishedcuttinggrass #combsmyownhair #iunderstandthestruggle #iminittoo #respectyourbrothershustle #loveyall
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:14:19 +0000

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