Scene 1: Location: Jagotia’s residence Divya asks kamla to - TopicsExpress


Scene 1: Location: Jagotia’s residence Divya asks kamla to confess who’s the killer and why did she kill kajal. Kamla asks her to stop it. divya asks why did she do this, as she may have saved shiela, but put sarita on the pyre, just because she isnt blod related daughter, and asks how could she do this, knowing what all sarita went through for this family. Kamla explains her intentions and says that sarita is born with ill destiny. Divay says that its not sarita’s destiny, but her selfishness, but divya says that she wont be quiet now, and would tesify against her in court , and tell everyone the turth. as she is about to step out, kamla tells her that if she goes to the court, then she may get sarita but would lose her and her her family, and its her to decide now, who she has to save. Kamla reminds her that raj wont be able to bear this trauma. As she leaves, divya is distraught. Later, divya is tensed remembering kamla’s warning. Raj comes in and finds her tensed. divya walks past him to the wardrobe to get his change of clothes. she wonders how to tell raj that kamla is the criminal. Raj too wonders why did kamla went to Vikrant’s house, and whether she is hidng something from them. divya comes and hugs him, and says that she’s very tensed thinking about tomorrow. He too says the same. meanwhile, soham is pacing around nervously in the hallway, when divya walks past him. Soham asks where is she going. Divya says that she’s going to meet sarita. soham agrees and lets her go. meanwhile, raj is tensed in her room. munni comes and asks what would happen to sarit and vikrnat. Kamla overhears raj talking that divya is out. kamla comes and reprimands raj for letting divya out so late, as he should take care of her and her whereabouts. she asks him to call and find out. Soham comes and tells kamla that divya has gone to meet sarita. Kamla is tensed, while he asks why’s she bothering so much. She says that she’s alright. As she leaves, all are tensed for kamla. soham says that everyone is feeling the same way and that kamla should be left alone to recuperate. In her room, kamla is pacing nervously thinking, that divya might reveal everything. She is scared, as divya comes with the police and lady constables. Soham too asks her the same questions as to why has she got them here. divya says that she got them here as she knows who’s the real murderer. All are shocked, while divya says that the murderer is here, and in this hosue only, and is one amongst them. raj is tensed, while soham asks her to say who is it. kam la eyes divya tensedly, while she points her finger at kamla. all are shocked. she tells everyone that its kamla. Raj accuses her of being stupid. She says that kamla stayed quiet even after sarita got falsely implicated. she shows them the memory chip, and that she was threatened by her too. she says that its abhi’s chip. All are shocked but finally realise that divya isnt lying. Raj asks her to be taken away. kamla reprimands div ya for doing this, as she insulted her in front of the entire family. She turns to soham, but he too says that he doesnt have anything to do with her. granny too reprimands her sternly, while they take her away insistently. She awakens from her dream, with a scare. Scene 2: Location: The police station and jagotia’s residence As vikrant and sarita are together, the police comes and tells them that in no time, they would be shifted to seperate cells, and they wouldnt ever be able to see each other ever again. Vikrant asks sarita not to get tensed, as they shgould savour every moment that they have together. sarita says that she still hopes that tomorrow there would be a miracle, and they would be free and live forever together. vikrant asks her what if this doesnt come true. They hug each other, as both get overwhelmed with emotions. Both are tensed, and still concerned for the other. as they are given fod, they have it together, each feeding the other. Vikrant is tensed to find sarita feeling cold, and he drapes the blanket around her, and puts her head in his lap, and tries to get her to have some rest. she thinks that she would have to call back divya rightaway. She dials her number, and while divya is approaching sarita’s cell, she gets her call. she ignores it and moves ahead. She expresses her desire to meet sarita. She again gets the call, and cancels it again. Sarita understands that divya is tensed and asks whats bothering her. Divya says that she is a great trouble, and as usual she always looks upto her. she asks if she is faced with family and truth, what would she choose. Sarita says that had she been in her place, then she would have favoured the family. She says that if it was done for the benefit of the family, then it isnt wrong. divya asks won it be wrong for the innocent, who’s being implicated falsely. Sarita says that nothing is wrong or right, for relations and family, as they are bonded by love, and asks her to unburden herself, and go on to be with her family. divya tells her that what happened and what would, isnt for her to be deserved, and says that she is highly apologetic for not being able to help her. she says that she may have found the answer to her query from sarita, but not the solution. divya leaves, as sarita asks her not to bother. the screeen freezes on sarita’s tensed face. Precap: The lawyer is confused, as both sarita and vikrant procliam to be kajal’s murderer, each trying to save the other. The lawyer and the court finally deduces that they both are equally guilty. The judge pronounces the verdict, but before he can, a female voice calls out, for him to stop. all are shocked, including raj and his family. after finishing #Visa my only hope will my #life #Jalal....thankz God #jalal is present in my life... for his reason I will comfortable :( * * *** !KE PAGE check comments box
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:53:52 +0000

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