Scene 1: Location: Vikrants residence All are shocked at - TopicsExpress


Scene 1: Location: Vikrants residence All are shocked at vandanas accusations at shiela. Sarita asks her whats she trying to imply. The police asks what she means. vandana gives shielas family background and hoe she had been after rohan, and wanted to replace kajal in his life. Shiela starts crying. sarita asks her not to cry. shiela vehemently denies that she didnt kill her. Sarita says that she believes, and asks vandana whats the proof. vanadna says that she knows shiela very well now, as shes very shrewd. sarita asks her to stop and is about to take shiela aside. But the police stops her saying that she has vehemently said the noone from this family is involved, but this constant doubting is verifying their doubts on them, and hes sure that the criminal is here amongst them only. Sarita is silenced, but takes shiela aside. Shiela tells about her fear, and that she didnt but is responsible for kajals death, and she thinks that rohan is behidn this, and tells about their kitchen discussion before and after kajals death, and his intense feelings for her now. sarita asks her not to get away, and blame rohan, as he maybe very wrong, but cant commit murder, and that too of kajal, who he loved. shiela says that she has seen the demonic attitude of rohan when she was trapped by hgim, and knows that he can go to any lengths, and even commit murder. Sarita is tensed. kamla and divya are discussing, where divya is lamenting her death, while kamal says that she should have deserved a bitter death, and goes on to tell how much she has tortured shiela, and that she was planning to ruin her life, and hence her own life is ruined now. She says that God finally did justice. She goes berserk cursing kajal. Divya asks her to calm down and compose, as they would talk at home. The police asks raj to be present here tomorrow with his family, for investigative purpose. He thanks vikrant for the cooperation, and says that when the reports come, they would get it to him, and find out about the murderer. He leaves. raj expresses his condolence and says that hes here for anything he needs. Vikrant curtly eyes raj and rohan. raj leaves to get his family to go home. Vikrant is tensed. later, vandana is wondering who could have killed kajal, as they has planned something else altogether. She remembers kajal giving the ring to her, and her asking kajal if noone saw her stealing this. Vandana remembers giving her the plan for mixing the ring in kheer. she thought that they wouldnt be doubted, as neither the diamond or the kheer has any reltion to them. kajal thanks her for this plan. Vanadan sys that noone can steal rohan from kajal. They ddcide to enact their plan. She thinks that whatever they had decided was fullproof, and wonders how could she herself have eaten the poisoned kheer. Suddenyl an idea strikes, that maybe someone knew their plan and changed the kheer bowls. She wonders who could have outsmarted them. In her room, with abhi sleeping by her side, and vikrant too trying to get sleep, sarits is sitting tensedly wondering what happened. He is highly uneasy in sleep. She switches on the lights and he asks whats happened. she comes upto him and takes his hand in hers, surprising him, and saying that she too just like him, cant sleep, by kajals murder. He asks her if she isnt getting any sleep, as someone close to her might be the murderer. Sarita says that shiela didnt do this. vikrant says that she didnt name anyone, she just said that someone close to her, and that menas raj and his family is the closer family to her. she asks him not to misunderstand her. He says that he felt like that, and angrily asks her to switch off the light so that she can sleep. She wonders whys he angry at her, after beleieving everything vandana said. she says that raj hasnt still outshadowed their life, and she would have to find out, who killed kajal. later, in the night, someone is show to be going stealthily in the house, alarming a watchful policeman. As the police senses movement in the house, in the still darkness of the night, all the family gathers, at his screams. He eyes everyone with suspicion. The inspector tells what he saw. Vikrant asks who might it be. The police says that it could be the murderer, who ran away taking advantage of the darkness. He says that he wont be able to escape longer, as they would snab him once the results come. Vikrant asks Vikrant is surprised, and eyeing sarita, says that this means the murderer if from this house only, and not from the jagotia family. sarita is relieved. Scene 2: Location: Jagotias residence. Soham is in a rage at shielas behaviour with rohan. raj asks her to calm down, as they cant trust vandana and her talks at its face value. Soham says that he knows but the police did start doubting her, and that she must have done something. shiela protestes. raj says that the law seeks evidence, and everyone is under doubt. Hence they should wait for the police to complete their investigation and arrive at their conclusion. He asks shiela to go inside. Soham asks her to never step out again, or he would commit suicide. kamal defends shiela as she hasnt done anything. Kamla takes him inside for his meds. shiela protest to divya that she hasnt done anything. divya assures her not to be scared as they are all with her. She takes shiela inside. Raj is tensed. Scene 3: Location: Vikrants residence The police says that the criminal is amongst them and is scared right now, as he didnt get the chance to wipe the evidences. vikrant asks him to hurry up and tell them the results, The next morning, the police surprises them by telling that their family seems respectable but its harbouring a deadly criminal. vikrant asks what he means. The police goes on to tell them about an old story. vikranta sks him to state clearly. The police says that kajal didnt die of poisoning but she died after consumption of diamond. All are shocked and tensed. He says that the kajal died of internal bleeding, after the consumption of the sharp diamond that did damage inside. The police says that they have to find out, who fed her the kheer. All eye rohan. He turns to rohan, and says that he must have killed her. All are shocked. rohan says that he wouldnt do anything like that, as she was his wife. the police says that he is lying and fabricating stories, as he fell in love with another girl, and kajal was a hindrance to it, and hence he decided to get rid of her altogether. all are shocked while rohan and shiela are tensed. The screen freezes on vikrants shocked face. Precap: Kamal says to sarita that she neither is scared of the police or of vandana, and hence she would shout that being the lowlife that kajal was, she had to pay a price for what she did. Sarita says that what happened to shiela isnt something to be forgotten and maybe shes right that kajal got what she deserved. vikrant hears this, and is tensed and angry. kamal eyes vikrant and is surprised. Sarita turns around to face vikrant, and remembering her last comment, she is tensed too.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:05:13 +0000

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