School bullying My 9 year old son has recently started pranking - TopicsExpress


School bullying My 9 year old son has recently started pranking people. His group of friends think its funny to do it to each other and thats ok as long as its not taken to far. However.... My delightful child often injures himself at school and I got a call one day to come pick him up. His friends were there keeping him company and I thought that was great.The boys wanted to vome over and I said iId have to sort things out with their moms and then well see. They then started to scheme in the idea of inviting another boy over who isnt really that close to them saying ...we should invite xxx so we can prank him. I immediately fired up and said something because the scheming didnt sound playful but down right nasty. I made sure tgey understood nicely infront of my son that we invite friends to hsng out and dont just prank the one person. That was enough to make my sons friends think opps. I then silently lead my son to the car and gave him a stern talking to and said bullies do that and I hope you dont go around being like this to others.... My son tried to weasel himself out of it but I said its not cool and he needs to be responsible for what he does. I was very upset to hear that they planned to isolate this other boy and humiliate him. I am not sure what to do. I was half tempted to get my son to invite this boy to go to a movie together to teach him what friends are for even if other boys dont like them. How do I get my son to put his conscious into gear and think about other peoples feelings (no matter wjo they are) and not single someone out? He is normally sensitive and had experienced bullying begore but now I saw that at school Im no longer confident thjthis is an isolated incident.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:00:01 +0000

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