Sci´ence n. 1. Knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; - TopicsExpress


Sci´ence n. 1. Knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts. If we conceive Gods sight or science, before the creation, to be extended to all and every part of the world, seeing everything as it is, . . . his science or sight from all eternity lays no necessity on anything to come to pass. - Hammond. Shakespeares deep and accurate science in mental philosophy. - Coleridge. 2. Accumulated and established knowledge, which has been systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws; knowledge classified and made available in work, life, or the search for truth; comprehensive, profound, or philosophical knowledge. All this new science that men lere [teach]. - Chaucer. Science is . . . a complement of cognitions, having, in point of form, the character of logical perfection, and in point of matter, the character of real truth. - Sir W. Hamilton. 3. Especially, such knowledge when it relates to the physical world and its phenomena, the nature, constitution, and forces of matter, the qualities and functions of living tissues, etc.; - called also natural science, and physical science. Voltaire hardly left a single corner of the field entirely unexplored in science, poetry, history, philosophy. - J. Morley. 4. Any branch or department of systematized knowledge considered as a distinct field of investigation or object of study; as, the science of astronomy, of chemistry, or of mind. Good sense, which only is the gift of Heaven, And though no science, fairly worth the seven. - Pope. 5. Art, skill, or expertness, regarded as the result of knowledge of laws and principles. His science, coolness, and great strength. - G. A. Lawrence. Comparative sciences See under Comparative, and Inductive. v. t. 1. To cause to become versed in science; to make skilled; to instruct.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 05:05:06 +0000

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