Science Fiction Fantasy I have never attempted to write fantasy - TopicsExpress


Science Fiction Fantasy I have never attempted to write fantasy or science fiction before. But following the lead of some of my friends, I thought Id give it a whirl. I thought Id set the piece somewhere in the near future. The setting would be a dystopian future where a killer disease has become rampant. The government has ignored the threat for far too long. Politicians are demanding tighter borders. Suspected carriers are being quarantined over the screams of wishy-washy liberals who demand the right to go anywhere, do anything. Hospitals are rushing to keep up with the chaos, blood covers emergency room floors. Ambulances rush in with the latest victims. Meanwhile, bureaucrats issue misleading and confusing rules. Should suspected carriers or those in contact with them, be required to register and be placed in a national database so that they can be tracked if an outbreak of mayhem occurs? People are barricading themselves, refusing to go out or to congregate in public places. Public transportation is grinding to a halt. Whole neighborhoods are cut off. Still the carnage spreads. Slowly a movement begins. The people see a growing need for government to step in. Politicians cease demagoguing the issue. They begin to demand action. A new leadership arises. Controls are put in place. Slowly confidence in government increases. Regulations become accepted. People begin to open their doors. Then one day it is possible to declare it is safe to go outside, to travel, to get together with friends. It is quiet in the emergency rooms. Our nations borders are open again. But I cant seem to write the piece. It is just too big a stretch. Who would believe that strict national gun control will ever be accepted and the carnage ended. Its a fantasy. Leonard Grossman October 28, 2014
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:39:35 +0000

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