Science is the light that God has placed in someones heart. In the - TopicsExpress


Science is the light that God has placed in someones heart. In the reach or achieve the required light Ittiba (follow the Prophet Muhammad) and keep away from lust and acts of heresy (says Imam Adh-Dhahabi). -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Wisdom of others is difficult to learn, but knowledge of other people can be for us to learn. Fasting Ramadan, its like a first love, the first day it feels uneasy, but at the end of days will give us comfort. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Im Muslim, but Im not a Muslim because I do not know the purpose kemuslimanku, because I do not have instructions to achieve kemuslimanku. Do not be concerned about yourself, if more melenakanku infidel tomorrow, do not question the people around me when the heathen more into keutamaanku. Where Islam is the light? -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Will this powerful stepping foot? when called spines are waiting ... Will kaburkah eyes staring? sure the dust settled ... -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ A test and trial is a difficulty. Where is the difficulty we have to face with a smile worthy to exalted world, optimistic smile tears penetrating the lake. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Deliciously healthy if we are ever going to feel sick. Favors treasure will be felt if we ever hard, and favors life would be if we ever get a disaster. Disaster was the beginning of enjoyment of life. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Happy life with the sweetness of faith and take God as a life goal. Living on faith and dependence. Humbled themselves and put their trust, indeed all seusatu definitely return to Him. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ The world beneath us now ni is just a temporary shelter. Therefore, let us always remind ourselves to each objective of our life in this world. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ As Muslims, we have to know and remember that the disbelievers will not sleep well when Islam independence. As was explained in the Quran. Al Baqarah: That the Jews would not willingly, so you follow their religion. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Islamic quotes two -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Do not look down and underestimate others, just because there are smarter, not richer, not more fortunate and did not have promotion like. Sometimes in the eyes of Allah, coal is visible jet. Look more shiny than the expensive gems. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Indeed, the peak determination is humble. One asked Imam, Is the humble signs? He replied, Should you glad the council is not praise you, greeted the people you meet, and even if you leave the debate over the truth -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ If people can be four things, he can be good of the Hereafter: Be grateful, remembrance tongue, body steadfast in trials, and a faithful partner to maintain himself and his property. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Three cases can roil life: tyrant, bad neighbors, and women pencarut. And three cases this will not be a peaceful world without it, namely security, justice, and prosperity. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ If a persons mouth to tell the truth, then the behavior will be clean, if the intention is good, then the sustenance will be increased, and if he is doing good to his family, then his days shall be added -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Three people will not be fought except by those who despised: the knowledgeable people who apply their knowledge, the intelligent scholars and priests are fair. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Every person in this world is a guest, and the money was a loan. The guests will surely go, sooner or later, and the loan must be returned -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Verily Allah will menghisab His servants on the Day of Judgment in accordance with the reasonable levels that have been awarded to them in the world. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Indeed, Allah loves the servant who prays a lot. Therefore, pray the Asr time until sunrise, because at that time the doors open sky, fortune-sustenance and livelihood distributed-important intent is granted -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Verily Allah forgives my Ummah some behavior, namely (as) wrong, forgotten and forced. (HR. Ibn Majah) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Friendship is like a seed that is planted, watered and kept neatly in order to flow through the power of its root. Pistillate fertile growing shoots. Enlarged grow trees. Developing menyerata twigs. Merimbun countless green foliage. Fragrant flowers full of fragrance scent. And produced fresh ripe fruit and healthy. Subhanallah .. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Relive religion means turn a nation. His life was the light of life religion means. (Bediuzzaman Said Nur) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ A person who saw the good in things means to have a good mind. And gar that have a good mind to get pleasure from life. (Bediuzzaman Said Nur) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ He who go to heaven, he was having fun and do not be sad, not outdated clothes and simplicity does not vanish. (HR. Muslims) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Sin is anything that disturbing feelings and that you do not like it when others do. (HR. Muslims) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ The Perfect faith will not leave a practice that can bring him to God even if there are thousands of reasons to leave. (Sayyid Abdullah Al-Haddad) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Do not bring you down in repeating the prayer, when God delays ijabah prayer. It was he who guarantees ijabah prayer according to His choice you have, not according to your taste option. Later at his desired time, not according to the time you want. (Ibn Athailah) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Whoever repair his relationship with Allah, Allah will improve his relationship with fellow human beings. (Sufyan bin Uyainah) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ What does God chose for His believing servant is the best choice, although looks difficult, heavy, or require the sacrifice of wealth, status, position, family, child, or even the disappearance of the world and everything in it. (Abdullah Azzam) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Anyone who is not trying to disaster or distress, then there is no happiness was the sight of Allah. (Adh-Dhahhak) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ God will help a servant, for a servant was always helping his brother. (HR. Muslims) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ O Allah, correct my religion which is the backrest all urusanku.Dan amend my world affairs which is where I live, and amend akhiratku which is where kembaliku..dan make life in addition to the kindness and death as a break from all kejelekanku. (Muslim)
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 12:59:46 +0000

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