Scientific Benefits Of Wearing Hijab: The hijab is a religious - TopicsExpress


Scientific Benefits Of Wearing Hijab: The hijab is a religious head covering that is worn by Muslim women. It generally conceals the neck and hair, and has a veil for covering the face. Most Muslim women wear the hijab, while refraining from wearing tight clothing. Donning the hijab and also generally observing a modest Muslim style of dressing offers these benefits. 1. Represents purity The hijab is regarded like an indication of dignity and purity. It highlights Muslim women as chaste and pure women. It also sets the wearer apart from immoral behaviors linked to women who wear immodestly. Actually, the hijab acts like a screen between chaste Muslim women and the world’s evil. 2. Protects from male harassment Most men do not make lewd gestures or whistle when a woman wearing a hijab passes by. In fact, men view the hijab like a sign that says off limits and thus do not approach such women. Muslim women by and large have a low chance of being exploited for their femininity and beauty in contrast with other women. 3. Places focus on intellect The hijab also benefits Muslim women by forcing people, particularly men, to go past the outer appearances and focus on the women’s intellect. Rather than assessing woman for her mind, the society usually assesses her based on physical traits. Many people are truly surprised when they discover that a Muslim who wears a hijab is articulate, intelligent and educated. 4. Eliminates competition amongst women People in western nations are known for sacrificing health and financial savings so as to have expensive plastic surgery with an aim of meeting unrealistic standards of beauty. However, through wearing a hijab, Muslim women can go about their normal duties without worrying about impressing other people. 5.Hygienic Purposes: All public should wear Hijab or head-covering workers serving society to ensure cleanliness and purity. Workers in a number of professions wear veils - nurses, fast food workers, and deli Counter workers, restaurant workers and servers, doctors, health care providers and many more. 6.Female Psychological Balance: Covering the hair can also have a beneficial effect on the female psyche as well. Studies of women being interviewed for jobs show that there is a high correlation between what they wear and their perceptions of how successful they will be in their interviews. There are many more examples of how what we wear can influence how we act. Wearing a hijab does not have demerits and those who wear it have more strength and confidence as women become less mindful of their physique and appearance. Scientific Benefits Of Wearing Hijab: The moral duty of wearing Hijab in Islam is an often discussed topic among Muslim women. However, little has been written about scientific reasons that Hijab is beneficial for society. There are, in fact, a number of health benefits that wearing Hijab provides, as well as many behavioral science studies that suggest that Hijab is the best clothes for women. Protecting the head is very important from a health perspective. Results Of medical tests show that 40-60% of body heat is lost through the head, so persons wearing head coverings during cold months are protected about fifty-percent more than those who do not. In the traditional Islamic medical texts of Al-Jawziyya, we can find numerous references to the four elements of fire, water, air and earth and how these affect the body in adverse ways. In particular, we are advised to stay away from drafts and protect our heads in wind, breezes, drafts and cold weather
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:31:18 +0000

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