Scientific Evidences that God Exists The two most important - TopicsExpress


Scientific Evidences that God Exists The two most important questions a person can ever ask is: Does God exists? Who is He? Perhaps you have asked this yourself. If such a Being does exist, you have to deliberately grasp all of reality, including your main purpose of existence, the way this universe has been created and your sense of moral obligation with this Beings presence always kept in mind. We have dozens of proofs to offer, to prove that God indeed exists. No scratch — He exists! I have listed here just five compelling, scientific arguments that proves the existence of an Intelligent Being. But some folks might say, I thought Christians are anti-science? They always regard science as a hoax. This is a big joke. Way back in the month of January, I was with the Amazing Science facilitators in one of the catholic schools in Pampanga. They are up for Science exhibits, on-tour. Before the event get started, a teacher picked a microphone and then introduced us to all students, teachers and other school staffs. She then continued, Okay guys. Do not think that Theology is against Science nor Science is against Theology. True, I cant agree less, but just dont give me burden — thinking about what happened billions and millions of thousands of years ago. It makes me feel like a grade school kid lost on his one-kilometer way home. As Einstein said: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. What made him think so? Time to find out. Evidence I Biology: The Irreducible Complexity of DNA “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.” – Paul Davies Scientists knows that all living things – plants, animals and human beings – stem from a single cell. Most cells are very very small to see, a mere few ten-thousandths of an inch across. Each cell consists of a thin membrane holding a liquid we call as cytoplasm. It contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates and acids. Amino acids make up proteins, proteins make up living cells, living cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, organs make up living organisms like you and me. The center of cytoplasm is what we call nucleus. This nucleus holds the genetic code that programs all the characteristics of life - such as skin colors, size, gender and so on. Inside the nucleus of the cell, we find the DNA. But what is exactly a DNA? What does DNA do? What is so unique about DNA and why it is irreducibly complex – i.e. why is intelligence needed to explain its origin? Today, DNA is a universal abbreviation of DeoxyriboNucleicAcid. DNA is a molecular blueprint or recipe for all living organisms. Its a bunch of atoms stock together as a very long chemical thread made up of two strands that are held as a pair forming a spiral or double helix. Each strands consists of a long chain of sugar deoxyribose and phosphate residues held together by four compounds known as nucleotides. Each nucleotide contained a different organic base. There were two large bases – Guanine [G] and Adenine [A], two small ones – Thymine [T] and Cytosine [C]. G and A are also called Purines, T and as Pyrimidine. In the thread, the Purine and Pyrimidine bases lie opposite to one other making replication possible – a feat essential for all life. In human beings, duplicate copies of DNA are coiled up in the nucleus of each of the human bodys approximately 100 trillion cells and this coded information programs the arrangement of billions cerebral electrical connections, 206 bones, 650 muscles, 10,000 auditory cells and 400 billion feet of blood vessels. Amazingly, DNA works exactly like a language that only cells can understand. In fact, we could even argue that the origin of DNA is actually the origin of information itself. DNA is vastly so complex to have originated by mere chance from non-living matter. DNA necessitates an intelligent source – an Intelligent Being – to explain its origin, order and complexity. It couldnt have arisen by chance or been advanced by natural selection in any type of gradual, Darwinian fashion. Evidence II Mathematics: The Golden Ratio “Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the Universe.” – Galileo Galilei “God exists since mathematics is consistent, and the Devil exists since we cannot prove it. ” – Andre Weil The worlds most beautiful paintings and buildings derive much of their artistic appeal from mathematics. In particular, they make use of rectangular shapes based on a proportion of height to width known as the Golden Ratio or the Golden Mean. This arithmetical sequence was invented by Leonardo Fibonacci in AD 1225. Each rectangle has its sides in the proportion of 1 to 1.618033989. Like the number Pi [π], which expresses the mathematical relationship between the diameter of a circle and the circles circumference, this Golden Ratio number – often denoted by the Greek letter phi [Φ] – is a never-ending decimal. It also has some remarkable properties. The Golden Ratio is also called Divine Ratio or Trademark of God by some. Its a ratio in that which all creation is measured. Each number in the series – which begins 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, – is after the first two figures, merely the sum of the previous two numbers. Its like, if you add A+B=C, then add B+C=D, then C+D=E and so on. After the 8th sequence, divide the sum of the 9th with the next highest sum and you will always get the Golden Ratio – 1.618. This is pretty basic yet the sequence has links with other mathematical relationships and with the world of nature. For instance, if you examine any plant that sends out individual leaves from a single stem, find two leaves directly above each other, and then count one from the pair plus all the intervening leaves, the total will always be the Fibonacci number. Now, is this by chance? Not a chance. Nature is not a mathematician and if there is no Intelligent Being and everything happened by mere chance then everything should be in random measurement and not in order. These measurements can never occur by itself in nature because these measurement are obtained only from intellectual mathematical calculations. If there was no God and everything is random then your bones could have been longer and everything does not have to obey a certain calculation. But reality is we are all measured and calculated. Plants arent mathematicians, snails arent mathematicians. Someone has to do the math for them. It means we are all created by a great mathematician. So who is this God? Since he left his trademark of 1.618 to all creation then it must mean that there is only one God who created us all. Evidence III Astronomy: The Sun-Moon-Earth System “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” – Isaac Newton “In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who says there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views.” – Albert Einstein Science teachers used to discuss that 15 billion years ago an enormous explosion happened. This is a mere theory they called Big Bang. Most astronomers now believe that the universe started with a gigantic explosion about 15 billion years ago. According to the theory, a minute cosmic egg of immeasurable energy exploded. Matter, gravity and electromagnetism were created in the unimaginable blast, galaxies were formed and the universe began to expand at an enormous speed, as it still doing today. But no. You cant, lets say, put all materials needed to construct a stunning building in one area, set a timed super explosive device and plant it on the center. Then boom! A beautiful Condominium. Thats absurd, the aftermath will be the opposite – no harmony, not in order and total chaos. What a mess that would be. But thankfully, the vast cosmos is just fine-tuned and perfectly-set-for-life in its parameters. Consider these five features: 1. The Earth is perfectly positioned in distance from the Sun, so that we receive exactly the right amount of heat to support life. Other planets are either too cold or too hot to sustain life. 2. The Earth has a perfect rotation rate. Any change in the rate rotation of the Earth would make life impossible. For instance, if the Earth were to rotate 10% at its present rate, all plant life would be burned to a crisp. 3. The Earth has a perfect axis tilt, which is 23 and a half degrees from the perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. This tilting in conjunct with the earths sun revolutions enables our seasons to occur, which is very important for food growth. 4. The moon is also perfectly positioned to support life. Moon revolves around the earth at a distance of about 240,000 miles causing harmless tides. Lets say, if it were positioned only 20% further away from the earth, all land masses would be completely submerged twice a day. 5. The Earth has also a perfect atmosphere. Its two primary elements, Nitrogen [78%] and Oxygen [20%] create a critical ratio essential to all forms of life. Given these facts. It is impossible to find a planetary system - like that of the Solar system - with the perfect distance from its sun, perfect rotation, perfect moon and perfect water content. Evidence IV Anthropology: The Thirst for Religion “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca “Let children learn about different faiths, let them notice their incompatibility, and let them draw their own conclusions about the consequences of that incompatibility. As for whether they are ‘valid,’ let them make up their own minds when they are old enough to do so.” ― Richard Dawkins To begin with, what exactly is a religion? Why do we have hundreds of different religions? Is there a God? How many? According to Wikipedia, a religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. From Merriam-Webster, we read that the word religion can be defined when a person starts to stick to cause, set of principles, system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. Now, can any expert prove that the first human, first couple; the first nation or first civilization are all strict atheists. Any? Nobody can. We know from history that ancient people are very very religious that they even worship the fire, the sun, the moon, the sea, a huge boulder etc. They believe that there is something or someone divine who powerfully govern this world, someone who protects them from harm and makes them prosper. So by grouping themselves together they form a religion, without knowing what they are getting into. Romans have dozens of deity. Greeks have dozens of deity. Japanese have dozens also and so on. There is not a tribe without a basic tradition tucked away somewhere in its mythology or liturgy of a personal prayer-hearing Deity with certain standards that he requires, of propitiation through an atonement of blood, of a life to come, of judgment, of heaven and hell, of creation and a flood. In fact, the shape of world thought and the world events is molded by the fingers of religion. There is not a man living without a religion, which is concerned primarily with system of values. Values determine priorities; priorities determine choice; choice determines conduct; conduct determines character; and your character determines your destiny. Evidence V Paleontology: The Biggest Hoax of Human History “Science works by experiments. It watches how things behave. Do not think I am saying anything against science: I am only saying what its job is. And the more scientific a man is, the more he would agree with me that this is the job of science — and a very useful and necessary job it is too. But why anything comes to be there at all, and whether there is anything behind the things science observes — something of a different kind — this is not a scientific question. If there is Something Behind. then either it will have to remain altogether unknown to men or else make itself known in some different way. The statement that there is any such thing, and the statement that there is no such thing, are neither of them statements that science can make. And real scientists do not usually make them.” – C.S. Lewis “My personal feeling is that understanding evolution led me to atheism.” – Richard Dawkins Macroevolution is a deliberately fabricated scientific theory made to masquerade as truth. In short word, a hoax. For Christians and Jews, to disprove Evolution is to prove the existence of a Creator. And the only alternative here is whether to blindly accept the theory of evolution or to face the reality that you are born with a purpose. To put it simply, those who believe in a Creator believe that they share the same ancestor – Adam and Eve. Those who believe Evolution believe that they share the same ancestor – Primate. Some people say Well, I believe in God because the Bible says so. I also believe in Evolution because I read that in my science textbooks. You cant say you believe in God and you go to church every Sunday, yet you believe you descended from prehistoric monkey or say that life may have originated from the dark side of the moon and we, in the near future, will become intelligent mechanical beings that will be named Decepticons. Hmm. Not too comforting a thought. Many scientists believe in the theory of evolution. They believe that the existence of all matters today is a result of millions upon millions of thousands of years of process – making Evolution the God of all things. There was this nothing, it becomes something, this something exploded, it become beautiful galaxies, it become stars, it become moon, it become the earth, it becomes a great oak tree, it becomes a sunflower and it becomes this and that. So, if you ask a kid. Where does a mango tree come from? Where does the mango seed come from? And so on. Then the answer is likely – it comes from Nothing. Zero plus zero equals zero, it will always be zero. Can you make something out of nothing? If you can, you are out of your mind. As qouted above Richard Dawkins, a famous atheist, once said understanding evolution led me to atheism. Let us investigate why. In the past, there are few fossil records so Charles Darwin made the Theory of Evolution. It states that long ago there was a single cell. Then it evolved slowly into the different kinds of animals we see after millions of years. So the Evolution tree looks like a cone with its tip facing down – few animals before, more animals now. However, since we have enough fossil records in the modern times, that is not what the fossils had revealed. Why? When we examine the fossil records, we see that supposedly transitional intermediates are completely absent. If Evolution were really true, then we should observe in the fossil record literally millions of mutated transitional species. Species between fish and amphibians, species between reptile and birds, species between apes and humans. And yet Evolutionists cannot point even one credible fossil example. Mind you, all of the so called ape-men found by Paleoanthropologists that is used to offer as their proof, such as the Java Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man and Lucy have turned out not to be missing links at all. Long ago, theres a story about the Nebraska man. Nebraska Man was used by Evolutionists in the famous Scopes Trial in Dayton, Teness in 1925 to prove that macroevolution was a viable theory and must be taught in public schools. Williams Bryan, the lawyer for the Creationist side, was in there confronted with a load of experts who stunned him with facts regarding the Nebraska Man. Mr. Bryan had no retort except to say that the evidence seemed to scanty. The experts scoffed at his ignorance. But what what was exactly the proof for Nebraska Man? Did these scientists have an entire skeleton of a missing link? No, They only possessed one tooth. Harold Cook found one tooth in Nebraska in 1922. The top scientists of that day examined the tooth and appraised it as proof positive that a prehistoric race had existed in the American continent. Yet years after the Scopes Trial ended, the entire skeleton of the animal from which the initial tooth came was found. And guess what? It turns out that the tooth actually belonged to an extinct species of a pig. The experts who initially ridiculed Mr. Bryan were certainly embarrassed by this blunder. Yet little publicity was ever disclosed regarding this monumental error. Even today, some Evolutionists naively hail the Scopes Trial as a precedent to support why Evolution should be taught in schools when, in reality, the scientific theory of Intelligent Design [ID] carries with it much more actual, scientific evidence to substantiate its claims. Now back to Dawkins qoute. Can his atheism be proven as a good option? No way. A little science estranges men from God, but much science leads them back to Him. — Louis Pasteur, Chemist These are just some of the many scientific arguments that prove Gods existence. But let me tell you this: The great and ultimate proof God exists is not Cosmological, Mathematical, Ontological, Teleological or the argument from universal belief, or the argument from capacity, or anything else [though use them all if we will] but the fact God works today wherever men call on Him. Now, If you are reading this down until here. It is important that you should not act like an ignorant creature. Anyone who reads this up to this part should already be mature enough to understand whats important and what is not. You should study and investigate about the things that concerns life and death instead of watching the music video of the Wrecking Ball.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:23:48 +0000

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