Scientific analysis/experiments on effect of LOVE on our - TopicsExpress


Scientific analysis/experiments on effect of LOVE on our body- Scientists are revolutionizing our understanding of the effect of love or any other emotions(thoughts with feeling) on our health, through experimenting with water. Our body is made up of 70% water and inside of our head is 80% water. Our cells are made of mostly water. The center of every cell is water, and each cell is completely surrounded by a layer of water. Researchers in Japan, Russia, Europe and US have discovered that when water is exposed to positive words and feelings such as love and gratitude, the energy level of water not only increases, but the crystalline structure of the water also changes, making it perfectly harmonious/ in order. Higher the positive feeling more harmonious and beautiful the structure becomes. When water is exposed to negative emotions, such as hate, the energy level of water decreases and chaotic changes occur in the structure. If human emotions can change the structure of water- how much it can affect our body you can easily imagine as water is the main constituent of our cells The cells in our body have a role to play and they work together for the sole purpose of giving us life. Some cells are leaders of particular regions or organs and they manage and direct all the working cells in their region, like our heart, brain, liver, kidneys and lungs. Leaders direct and manages all other cells so that organs work perfectly ensuring order and harmony. All cells must work as a team 24 hours a day-for their entire life. We have around 100 trillion cells in our body who are working nonstop. All these cells work under our command. We are commanding/instructing them through our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Whatever you believe about our body, cells believe too. They don’t question anything- they hear every thought and carry out our instructions. Our heart is the main organ- it’s the center of our body system. It is like sun and all other organs are the planets and depends on the sun to remain in balance and harmony. Scientists at the institute of Heart Math in California shown that magnetic field of the heart is 5000 times more powerful than the magnetic field of brain, and reaches out several feet from our body(this magnetic field is our power of attraction)They also shown that feeling of love, gratitude and appreciation in our heart boosts our immune system, increases vital chemical production; increases physical vitality and vigor; reduces stress hormone levels, high blood pressure, improves glucose regulation in diabatics. Feelings of love also create a higher degree of harmony in the rhythm of your heart. So all our health problems/ diseases occurs because of our thoughts(mainly emotions as effective thoughts are those which are propelled by feelings)- it has direct effects on cells and thereby our body. Love- originated from heart-can cure any disease even cancer (lot of incidents have proved this) and on the other hand lack of love creates all complications in our body. So we need to care about our feelings. All good feelings are out of love and bad feelings are lack of love. So we need to be aware of our feelings. It not only effects our body but also destiny- as you receive what you give. SO SIMPLE THING WE HAVE TO DO CONSISTENTLY IS -TO HAVE A GOOD FEELING(i.e. LOVE).
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 04:53:59 +0000

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