Scientist will tell you GOVERNMENTS will NOT WARN of the coming - TopicsExpress


Scientist will tell you GOVERNMENTS will NOT WARN of the coming POLESHIFT. The warning among those in the know is COASTAL AREAS are in the highest danger. I have read reports that the point of AFRICA pointing to the whole of The CAPE POINT AREA right through to Cape Town- all those suburbs in between are in danger. Scientist are also saying they cannot predict where would be SAFE - all I know is that being in a right relationship with GOD is the most important factor. Also to be positioned by HIM for the coming hour. I have read reports that the total poleshift will move suddenly without warning but will take a whole hour till it comes to a final stop. The devastation that is coming is hard to imagine as our world will no longer be as we have known it. It is then easy to imagine that food will be limited and alone those willing to receive the mark will not be able to buy or sell. One thing that came through is this. GET SEEDS and KEEP THEM SAFE. All types of HERITAGE seeds. Heed the warnings and get out of CITY AREAS - you can imagine the rioting and looting that is going to happen. The Father has allowed me 24 hour access to internet - I am going to report what is happening round the earth. I ask you to rather not get notifications on your phone as I will post things as they happen. It is best to come once a day to my page as I know that some of my posts are being kept from you - but those the Father wants you to see I will pray that you will see it. I ask you too to pray for me and my family who are constantly being tried and tested for HIS GLORY and that we WHILST WE WARN AND PLEAD with others to RETURN TO CHRIST JESUS and to receive HIM as Savior that we ourselves would not be lost. Pray for us that we will obey till the end as we will and are praying for you all. GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:03:28 +0000

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