Scientists Speechless At What They Find Out About Magnets.. But - TopicsExpress


Scientists Speechless At What They Find Out About Magnets.. But NOT just any Magnet.... Do you think they could help SOMEONE you know? PEOPLE HAVE BEEN USING MAGNETS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.... Biomagnetism is harmless and gives us the natural magnetism which all life depends .... Nobel Peace Prize Winner Laureate Linus Pauling discovered that each red blood cell has a charged iron atom and that the blood is paramagnetic. He showed that if exposed biomagnetism occurs a positive change that leads to blood flow, flows more freely: • circulation improves • cells get more oxygen • cells get more nutrition • waste products are cleared out faster • muscles relax • pH level normalized • blood pressure normalized • immune system improved. .thus helps bio-magnetism in the body to come into balance. Our cells are small chemical plants, they normally operate at a temperature of about 37 degrees. In many disease symptoms maybe fever, the elevated temperature helps the body to fight the disease state. A magnetic field has the same effect without raising the body temperature. During normal body temperature is around 50% of the water molecules in the blood related to pass into each other. Strong magnets increase the ability of blood to take up oxygen, water molecules found in the blood decays normally when they are moving fast enough through a strong magnetic field, the number of free molecules is doubled in this way. A powerful magnet increases the bloods ability to absorb oxygen. An elevated level of oxygen both improves human condition and performance as it improves the ability to resist various disease infestation. There are good magnets that help your body... Your body is one big Magnet. Every atom in your body has a positive and negative proton and neutron travailing around an axis... Well my friend thats a magnet. Your nerve endings operates at 70 mv normally ,when damage is inflicted or you have inflammation to an area the voltage goes down to around 55mv ,that allows the agony signal to travel to the brain and tell it you have pain. When you place a One of OUR Preparatory Magnets on the spot it brings the voltage back up to 70mv and stops the Agony! It also increase blood flow to the spot while decreasing inflammation allowing tour body to mend its self Naturally . Want to learn more and see some incredible Magnetic Technologies that you can use on YOUR body to relieve Agony , increase Blood Circulation and Decrease Inflammation??? Click HERE ~ nikken/EarthPatriot/shop/!performance From magnetic shoe inserts , agony stopping chips and pads , magnetic sleeping systems, magnetic alkaline water ..... This may help save someone you know...
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:54:32 +0000

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