Scoop sul matrimonio di Castle e Beckett: Il matrimonio non sarà - TopicsExpress


Scoop sul matrimonio di Castle e Beckett: Il matrimonio non sarà come pianificato nel finale della sesta stagione, sarà fatto in maniera più frettolosa, ma questo non vuol dire che non sarà commovente, anzi il contrario. Dopo la vicenda della realtà alternativa, emozionalmente parlando Beckett è li con lui. Il matrimonio non deluderà le aspettative dei fans: What can you tell me about the Castle wedding? I cant wait! — Jenna Owing to the complex story that precedes the nuptials — Castle experiences an alternate reality in which hes never met Beckett — the ceremony itself had to be scaled back considerably. We came very close to doing the other version of the big wedding... and all the hoopla thats associated with that, and we knew that we didnt want to do quite the same thing, executive producer David Amann tells us. However, dont think that Castles rush to the altar will scare Beckett — or make the moment any less magical. [Beckett] doesnt necessarily know quite what has driven him to this point, but shes emotionally right there with him, Amann says. Its a wonderful, wonderful moment, and we hope the fans share that view. tvguide/News/Mega-Buzz-Castle-Hawaii-Five0-OITNB-1088705.aspx
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:49:49 +0000

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