Scores of parents Saturday alleged that army did not permit their - TopicsExpress


Scores of parents Saturday alleged that army did not permit their children to sit in classes at a school run by the forces in North Kashmir. The parents from Hajin area of Bandipora district blocked the main road and raised slogans against army. After the killing of two youth in Markundal area of Hanjin Sonawari, protesters had set a portion of the Army Goodwill School on fire in July this year. Parents said army blames their children for the incident. “Army claims that our children who study in that school are involved in fire incident. They are just class 3rd students how can they set a school on fire,” one of the parents said. Army is not allowing at least 43 students to sit in the classes. Police and administrative officials met the protesters and assured them that matter would be taken up with the army, an official said. A top administrative officer from the area said that the matter would be taken up and hopefully till Monday the matter would be resolved. Commanding Officer 13 RR told parents to submit a memorandum in writing and assure the army that these students would not indulge in stone-pelting and arson incidents in future. Parents said that Commanding Officer has told them that he would talk to Core Commander. Parents warned that if their children would not be allowed to sit in the classes then they would stage protest on daily basis in front of the Army Goodwill School.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 02:11:28 +0000

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