Scotland/UK - An earthquake caused the ground to move in a - TopicsExpress


Scotland/UK - An earthquake caused the ground to move in a scarcely populated Highland Perthshire community this week. Seismic monitors in the Edinburgh offices of the British Geological Survey recorded tremors in the upper part of Glenlyon, registering 2.7 on the Richter scale. Neither injury nor damage was reported. In Comrie, famous for being located on the Highland Fault, and known to many as ‘Shaky Town’, Chris Palmer checked the ink and paper record of underground activity. The curator of Earthquake House, where measurements are constantly recorded, said yesterday: “When you see the reading for mid-morning Tuesday, there’s an almighty splatter of ink, then nothing. “The mechanical pen just left the paper after recording the quake - it was quite impressive. It was moderately strong by UK standards, they rarely go over magnitude three.” The sudden earthquake was noted by David Galloway at BGS, who confirmed the epicentre was at Finnart, a remote uninhabited spot between the hills of Glenlyon and the west end of Loch Rannoch. He explained: ““We got a call almost immediately afterwards from Tayside Police. Someone at Dall near Rannoch had called them to ask what was going on.”
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 13:26:09 +0000

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