Scotland Yet Film Hey guys got another MUST SEE film for youz - TopicsExpress


Scotland Yet Film Hey guys got another MUST SEE film for youz to watch...although slightly long...well worth a watch in its entirity and the guys behind it (by Jack Fosterby & Christopher Silver) done great job of showing how the whole referendum debate has captured and envigorated the collective consciousness of scotland as a nation no matter what your stand point is to the exstent that at a grassroot level (you & me) political desciousons about Scotlands future is spreading like wild fire because of socail media like Facebook & Twitter (i dont do Twitter not enough characters to say what i want to say) moreover they are talking about possibly having historical levels of turn out to vote at around 80%...WOW whilst watching this film there was one particular piece of information that jumped out and said HELLO. Now as am sure alot of you are aware in December last year Westmonster decided...without our concent take away the Holyroods powers..whilst at the same time promising us govern who can use our wind & wave power to generate clean renewable energy/electricity so that basically we no longer control our own wind and waves (shity rainy weather to you and me) now my first instinct was how f**ckin dare they now they have FULL control over ALL of OUR natural resources. Then I saw this film and during it they interview a small..but growing..pany set up on the Orkney Islands (orkneymarinerenewables/) that are developing turbins for harnessing wave and wind power and have got the funding to build the worlds largest wave power generating turbine...brilliant thinks I. Then the guy getting interviewed goes on to explain that the biggest problem they have is that they produce far more electricty than the Orkneys use...anno your thinking great...BUT he says we have no way of getting/sending the vast amonts of exccess elictricity back to the main land as all the wiring that was used to send what little they needed cant handle what they could now transfer back so much so that some of their wind turbines no sit turned off for 58% of the time...and then the guy goes on to say that Scotland cold easily generate 100% of its power needs from renewable energy...and this from a guy working in the development & research area renewables at the point of I tend to take his word for it And then the penny drop like a ton of bricks CLANG yet another part in David Camerons very own McCrone Report type tapestry of trying deceive, trick, dupe, outwit, fool, delude, cheat, take in, bluff, hoax, mislead, misguide, lead on, defraud, double-cross, swindle the Scottish people into playing our role as the BIGGEST RICHEST cash cow the (now crubling like a shit cookie) Brittish Empire has ever seen. Now for me and i think most of you the term sitting on a gold mine brings back memories from history were the prosperity of a nation was so good it reached fever pitch and the people were almost drunk on is that not a Scotland you want to fight for...the Americans certainly thought it was...and now in 2014 on the 18th of September we have an oportunity to pick up...not guns & cannons...but a pencil or pen (not quite sure of the legal standing on which will be acceptable) and mark an X in a box and that furture will be ours for many generations to come...a Scotland run by Scots for the benefit of ALL Scots...VOTE YES LETS MAKE HISTORY TOGETHER. SAOR ALBA https://vimeo/103919058 (Scotland Yet Film link)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:21:34 +0000

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