Scotland has voted no to independence. Can I first of all say - TopicsExpress


Scotland has voted no to independence. Can I first of all say that this debate and subsequent referendum is something that I have been extremely interested in and about which I hold quite passionate views. I will say that my views are of course personal to me and in making this post I neither invite comment, nor criticism nor do I seek to provoke argument or further debate. I will put my cards on the table at the outset. I firmly believe that Scotland has made the right choice. There are those who say that a no vote to independence was won on fear. I dont subscribe to that although I think it fair to say that no votes may have been won on uncertainty on many issues that Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon et al could not give assurances as to certainty upon. For example (and I know the first one will draw yawns and groans of disapproval) 1. Currency: there could have been no guarantee that Scotland could retain the pound sterling. Its all well and good for Salmond to have said its Scotlands pound too...well it is but it is only a pound sterling if it has the support of the Bank of England and is recognised internationally on that footing. Its ok Salmond threatening to hold the rest of the UK to ransom by saying if Scotland could not keep the pound it would not take its share of the national debt but what basis is that to found an independent Scotlands economy upon by defaulting on its share of the debt ? ...he had suggested that he would in such event insist upon UK assets being proportionally vested in an Independent Scotland...he hadnt thought about the possibility of having such assets devolved and also having to take a proportionate share of the deficit and still not have sterling! 2. National Defence: Scotland would have ceased to be a part of NATO. 3. European Union: Scotland would not have been guaranteed membership of the EU. Taking two and three above as a collective that would have raised doubt as to Scotlands standing in the European Market with a potential adverse effect upon business and the economy. Further in leaving Scotland, which let us not forget, is an in road to the rest of the UK would be vulnerable to acts of terrorism. I saw some idiot from the Green Party on TV who when the subject of defence was raised said that although Scotlands ground troops would be depleted just why or who would wage war upon Scotland ?....what he was driving at was that a massive armed force isnt required these days as thats not how wars are fought....thats absolutely right of course but it doesnt make Scotland or any other part of the UK any less susceptible to terrorist attack. Now I dont know how far MI6 stretches but if Scotland was Independent you can bet your bottom dollar that the UK intelligence services wouldnt have Scotland under their umbrella save only for making sure that it wasnt used as a conduit for activity through its English Border. I have a lot of Scottish friends. I know from seeing their posts here that they were yes voters and I knew that in the run up to the referendum. Ask any one of them and they will I am sure tel you that I never aired before them my own views. Why ? Because they were and remain my friends and I did not wish to influence them, or offend them. In the wider scheme of things now affirmed they are my brothers and sisters and my country men. This referendum has not been just about independence and patriotism. Its been about political unrest and social injustice. But make no mistake, those things arent exclusive to Scotland because there is social injustice in every part of the UK. Scotland have led the way in facilitating the possibility for that to change and I applaud every Scot for that. Do I think Westminster will deliver? Honestly, I really dont know because I dont trust many of them...surprisingly I will say that I do trust Darling and Salmond to stand together as they should and press Westminster so that it delivers to Scotland that which it has promised to deliver...I think Westminster has put itself on the line finally and in my view there is no going back for them, nor should there be and they will I think (if only for that reason) make good on its promises. Westminster will of course then have to look to England, Wales and Northern Ireland and address its shortcomings in those areas too...again I believe that because of Scotlands very brave stance that will, in time, happen too. Can I say also this. I honestly dont know when I last referred to myself as English. I have Welsh, Scottish, French and English ancestry....I am therefore a Britain...I am British...and I am proud of Britain as a nation. I have seen people saying that the referendum has not been anti English...I accept that...I think...and yet I have seen posts of that well known Australian freedom fighter (Mel Gibson) resplendent in his kilt and wielding his Claymore. Yes, I saw Braveheart. Yes I cried. Yes I wanted to be Scottish. Yes I was ashamed of my English heritage and yes I know that the Union is steeped in bloody history. But we arent the only nations that have to shoulder a degree of historical shame and there are things happening even now at which leaders and nations should hang their heads for. Theres nothing wrong with patriotism so long as it is a badge worn with pride, and compassion, respect and wherever possible with tolerance, understanding and forgiveness. The thought of losing the blue from our Union Jack filled me with dread...people of Scotland please stand together and continue to fight for change throughout the UK. Do not let this result divide are better together...we are better together!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:47:51 +0000

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