Scotland is my home and I am fiercely proud of my country and its - TopicsExpress


Scotland is my home and I am fiercely proud of my country and its achievements. But paralleled with such selfhood, also comes a strong British identity, one which I am equally proud to be a part of. Today Britain is at the forefront of the world, in terms of technology, medicine, business, defence systems, sport and music. We are the inventors of the NHS, penicillin and television. Such high degree of innovation and greatness is explained by the strength of the UK, not in spite of it. What will separation bring? For me it means a risk that will undermine our quality of life, a situation well documented through issues such as currency, and investments, with no real solution provided from the other side. People can refute and ask but why arent we better together now? Better together doesnt mean keeping to the current status quo, it means improving a situation by standing side by side rather than go it alone. We already have a large say in the running of our affairs and with more devolved powers vowed to come our way, divorce for me is not the answer. Putting to one side statistics and numbers, independence will cause division and enmity. By voting no tomorrow I am voting not out of fear, but Id simply rather not put my country into jeopardy. Everyone has their own opinion, and in a democratic society that is to be respected, but I beg people when voting tomorrow to put down the braveheart dvd, this is not a vote for patriotism, this is a vote for our future.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:49:57 +0000

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