Scotland is on the brink of another amazing day in our nation’s - TopicsExpress


Scotland is on the brink of another amazing day in our nation’s long history where we will be asked to decide how we are governed for the future. We are not putting up barriers or saying we dislike the rest of the people in the UK, We are saying we no longer agree and think the political union Scotland is a part of currently is not the best thing for Scotland and her people and the only way we can change that for the better is by YES vote ! ...It is with great sadness that I consider many of Scotland’s people will approach that historic moment and will base their decision on information they have received from a disgraceful and disrespectful British Government and the Scottish Unionist political party’s based in Hollyrood who normally could not agree on what day of the week never political policy which could make Scotland a better place and let’s not forget the shameless British and Scottish bias Unionist Media who have played their part in spreading project fears words of doom ! The people of Scotland have been subjected to a relentless State Funded and orchestrated Scaremongering Campaign designed deliberately and specifically to Scare and terrify the people of Scotland into rejecting that which the vast majority of nations on this planet take for granted and see as a basic human right. The right to be governed by those who have the consent of the governed! Democracy! Some Journalists have sold their integrity to the state. Which before them many have sacrificed so much to uphold. The BBC is funded in Scotland by License Fees which the people of Scotland are obliged to pay if they wish to view television programs even although they might not be BBC programs. Failure to pay a license fee can result in court action. It is there for the right of every license fee payer to expect that the BBC will report the news without fear or favour and impartially and without BIAS. The BBC reporting of the Scottish Independence referendum has been nothing short of State Funded and Orchestrated Propaganda!!!!!!!!!! There have been many occasions when this Unionist Bias has been evident not only within the BBC but with the Media in general and in particular the Unionist Tabloids. However, there was no clearer example of this blatant disregard and contempt for the people of Scotland and our democracy when thousands gathered in Glasgow on the 13th of September to stage a Peaceful protest in order to show support for a Yes vote in the referendum for Scottish independence. That gathering was subject to a complete news blackout by an outrageously bias media that has abandoned all pretenses of impartiality. Just to add even more insult to injury, on the same day the Orange walk which is one of Scotland’s biggest problems was covered as a colorful display of support for the union????? Then if at all possible, that same scandalous media has given the gathering of around 5,000 people supporting the Union in London national coverage and on every single newspaper and on every single 15 minute bulletin. They will wind down their obscene campaign of Negativity and Fear on the nineteenth of September regardless of the result because their impact and influence will no longer be required. I hope with all my head & heart that their efforts will have been to no avail and that the people of Scotland vote YES to take Scotland’s future in Scotland’s and choice our destiny, it won’t be easy but and there will be ups and downs like every country but I am sure with all Scotland’s resource & the people of this country that we will make a success of independence and take our rightful place in the world again as a great independent nation! I as one of the 4 admins on the Democracy for Scotland & its people would like to thank you all for showing support for our page and most importantly Voting YES tomorrow! Thanks for your kind words & sharing our post’s with your wider group! We have put Good strong truthful case to why Scotland should be an independent country & That’s why we think Scotland will vote YES on the 18th of September 2014. SCOTLANDS FUTURE IN SCOTLANDS HAND’S
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:27:11 +0000

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