Scots vs English: the game of 7 differences By Catherine - TopicsExpress


Scots vs English: the game of 7 differences By Catherine Gouëset published on 08/07/2014 at 18:34 The Scots are campaigning for a week for the referendum on the independence of their nation. Their differences with their neighbors to the south are multiple and sometimes surprising. Reviewing. 1 and 2 The history and culture. Less insular, more egalitarian Both nations have convolé together fairly recently. It was not until 1707 that Scotland has agreed to unite with England. But she has never been treated, it retains a stronger Ireland said Keith Dixon, Honorary Professor at the University of Lyon II, himself Scottish independence. Scots retain their own legal system closer . law Roman God also separates them: they are not Presbyterians and Anglicans religion has influenced their education system and no doubt contributed to their egalitarian tropism.. Illiteracy has fallen faster than in England, thanks in part to parochial schools, says the researcher. The language also distinguishes the two nations. English is the language of administration and has long been that of social promotion. In recent years, the tide is turning. Scottish bourgeois now trying to keep the focus they tried to hide in the past. Scottish writers such as James Kelman, write in English quite a dispute standard English, said Keith Dixon . Daily, they use the Scottish dialect. 3 men. Small people opens 5.3 million people spread over 78,700 km ². A territory just twice as large, the English (53 million) and Welsh (3000000) met ten times more: 56 million inhabitants in the last census in 2011. Heathland magnified by the most famous Scot, Sean Connery James Bond and his double, a native of the Highlands is very empty, especially as the population is mainly located in three major cities: Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. However, if she chose to take off, Scotland would be more populous than Ireland (4.6 million), Croatia (4.3), Lithuania (2.9) or ... Luxembourg (530 400) that will most likely give a president of the European Commission. Time of emigration, like Ireland, Scotland now attracts people. She won 300,000 in twenty years. In recent years, the Poles were, as in the rest of the country most likely to move there. The Scottish Nationalists are not xenophobic, unlike several European regionalist movements, said Keith Dixon. 4 Politics. Leftmost Until the 1960s, Scotland follows the rest of the United Kingdom in its swings between Conservative and Labour, observes Keith Dixon. The break with London dates of the Thatcher years. Scotland rocking left, but not to independence. With Devolution in 1998, a large degree of autonomy, Prime Minister Tony Blair (also Scottish) thinks cutting the grass under the feet of independence. Scotland has its own parliament and an independent executive. Error. It remains powerful in the early 2000s, the Scottish Labour Party is abducted instead of first party by the separatist Scottish National Party (SNP) in 2007, with 46 seats against 47, and became head of the autonomous government. Today, the line is almost absent as she reigns supreme in England. The contrast is even more striking since the recent breakthrough of Ukip in the European elections of May. 5 The social model. Most favorable to the welfare state The Scots are attached to major social achievements of the post-war including the middle classes, unlike the rest of the kingdom, recalls Keith Dixon. Perhaps in part because they are likely to be used by the utilities (just over a Scotsman of 10). The English chose economic liberalism, a choice taken by the Conservative party, the Ukip but also the New Labour of Tony Blair. The rise of the SNP so far is probably the rejection of liberalism as an attraction for independence. Upon coming to power, the SNP has abandoned the privatization of prisons under the former Labour government, said Keith Dixon. Scotland, which has powers health has also chosen to better protect access to public health care system. Another pride, universities are free while a student in London over € 11,000 tuition per year. 6 Foreign policy: most Europhile and less Atlanticist. Do we want a small pro-European nation that promotes peace and justice or a large country that is a war every two or three years and threatens to leave the EU? Argues Toni Giugliano, one rising star SNP interviewed by Liberation. Opinion polls show that the Scots are less favorable to the intervention in Afghanistan, for example, says Peter Kellner, president of polling organization YouGov, but there is a difference of 5 to 10 points , not a ditch. The Scots are more Europhile than other Britons, which has not led to rush to the polls in the European past: only one in three Scots visited a polling station in May. The resounding victory of Ukip nationally still has widened the gap on either side of Hadrians Wall. The europhobes voice predominate across the country if we add those of Ukip (27.5%) and the Conservatives (23.9%) more hostile to Brussels each day. The Scots are eurocompatible, with 62.9% of the vote, 29% of SNP added to 25.9% Labor and Greens 8%. 7 economy. Nonetheless rich Londoners In this area, the differences with the rest of the country are less clear. Scotland, like England, an important financial center. And No, Scotland is not the poor relation of the kingdom as it has sometimes been said, corrects Keith Dixon. It is the third most prosperous area of the United Kingdom, he said. Wealth based mainly on oil from the North Sea. The Scots can not rely on long oil reserves depleted. Revenues from oil have declined in recent years. In terms of industrial restructuring, the central belt between Glasgow and Edinburgh is more like the north of England, the south of the country. Both regions were equally hard hit by deindustrialization from the 1970s. The wealth of the country is the subject of bidding between London and Edinburgh. SNP promises that every Scots win 1000 pounds (1230 euros) per year in an independent country. False, London replies: staying united, the future of Scotland will be safer. Each resident can count on a bonus 1,400 pounds per year. Attempt to deter the Scots divorce, London threatened to prevent them from continuing to use the pound sterling. Or not they remain united with their southern neighbors, the campaign for the referendum will be stretched a little more links to London to avoid the breakup of the United Kingdom, London has already made concessions and promise to grant new powers to the Scots, even if the no won. Learn more about
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 23:48:29 +0000

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