Scott Orders Military Protection for Kabimba and - TopicsExpress


Scott Orders Military Protection for Kabimba and M’membe Acting President Guy Scott has ordered Army Commander Paul Mihova to deploy a security detail of military officers to protect Wynter Kabimba and Fred M’membe during the arrival of the body of late President Michael Sata today. Scott was given an intelligence report yesterday morning that that there were plans underway by Patriotic Front (PF) cadres to aggressively protest against the party former Secretary General Kabimba, M’membe, and any of the perceived ‘cartel’ members at the airport when the body arrived. “Scott was actually advised by Kabimba to deploy commanders. You know yesterday Kabimba was with the acting president almost the whole day meeting, plus he wants to be seen at the forefront to receive the body,” said sources from the Ministry of Defence. About 20 trucks carrying commandos from Mushili Commando Unit in Ndola were seen arriving in Lusaka last night. Though it will be soldiers who will be in charge of the ceremony of receiving the body of the president, it was supposed to be ordinary officers from Arackan barracks (army headquarters) who were supposed to be in charge. But commandos have been brought in though it is not yet clear if they will be in charge exclusively or they will just be infused in. zambiareports/2014/11/01/scott-orders-military-protection-kabimba-mmembe/
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:33:29 +0000

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