Scott Teufelhunden BorgerCracker Nation UNITE! Today at 1:26am - TopicsExpress


Scott Teufelhunden BorgerCracker Nation UNITE! Today at 1:26am near Houston, TX Dear Emperor Ovomit, You know its bad enough that you are a marxist communist tyrant but you are now proving your vast repetoire of how idiotic, clueless & incompetent you are in virtually EVERY facet of qualification needed to be considered as a POTUS, the leader of the so-called free world. You have a problem with Americas exceptionalism. Why? You were born here right? This country is great because Americans of our ancestry dared to do the bold things not because they are easy but because they hard. America needs a leader, A REAL LEADER! Leadership commands BOLD ACTION! So obviously this disqualifies you. America is tired of your rhetoric. We are tired of your excuses. We are tired of pointless lectures. We are tired of your arrogance. We are tired with your race baiting. We are tired of your jobless recovery economy. We are tired of hearing you blame others for your incompetence because you dont have the guts to stand on or for any principles. Because you dont have any principles. The only thing you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are qualified for is how UNQUALIFIED and INCOMPETENT you are to even be chief dog catcher. Your leadership tactics are a joke and now everyone in the world is now laughing at us thanks to you. You are an abject embarrassment to everything this great nation stands for and I am ashamed to be associated with you in any way shape or form. You are NOT my president. You are a paper tiger. Someone that even Neville Chamberlain can talk smack about. It would be amazing to hear how many of Dubyas evil policies that you spoke out about that you have conveniently decided to retain because it was inconvenient to show your true colors. Dont like what I have to say then resign immediately and admit you are a complete joke and an abject failure who is UNFIT TO LEAD because you cannot recognize leadership 101. Respect does not come from weakness. Respect comes strength otherwise there is no need to ever negotiate on anything unless you just want to surrender everything. How dare you decide to unilaterally dismantle the worlds greatest military for appeasement purposes. History will spit on your legacy. You clueless simpleton. FED UP with your excrement!!! Scott Borger USMC Veteran Houston TX Unlike·Comment·Get Notifications You, Constance Scavetta and 11 others like this. Christina Andrews That was incredible to read Scott! This Houstonian, is giving you a standing ovation! Since we cant share from this group, would you mind if I copy and paste this to my timeline? If so, with or without your name attached? Unlike · · Today at 1:49am Scott Teufelhunden Borger By all means. . Like · · Today at 1:50am Christina Andrews Awesome! Thanks! Like · · Today at 1:50am Constance Scavetta This is an excellent piece of writing. You are Spot On. Like · · 9 hours ago Jerry Cartwright III OOORAH !!.. Like · · 8 hours ago John Becker I wish this had a share button because I definitely would Like · · 6 hours ago Constance Scavetta Try copy and paste. Like · · 6 hours ago John Becker Dont know how not very good with a computer at all Like · 5 hours ago Constance Scavetta I am not too good either so I probably would only confuse you if I tried to explain. Perhaps Scott can tell you how as it is his excellent post. Like · 5 hours ago John Becker I am probably as bad as one can get lol Like · · 5 hours ago Constance Scavetta I dont know about that. My friends call me the computer Wiz snort snort...Haaaa. Like · · 5 hours ago Theodore Alton McElroy Semper Fi Scott Teufelhunden Borger, Im an old jar head too. btw some people may disagree with your opening premise of You were born here, rihgt? Unlike · · 5 hours ago Scott Teufelhunden Borger Its sarcasm, Ted. Im going next level there. Like · · 5 hours ago Scott Teufelhunden Borger John, left click at start of text and hold it down should highlight all blue then right click copy. Go to place you want to paste right click again and bada bing bada boom! Like · · 5 hours ago Danas Political Page My thoughts exactly! Could not have said it better! Like · · 4 hours ago Constance Scavetta Thank you Scott, I was afraid to explain it to him as per my previous post. Like · 4 hours ago !!! One Warrior Sentiment !!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:41:58 +0000

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