Scottish Independance. Ive up to now been impartial in this - TopicsExpress


Scottish Independance. Ive up to now been impartial in this debate as in all fairness I left Scotland many years ago and dont reside here anymore although I have a Scottish Company that will pay tax to Scotland but apart from that I have become increasingly concerned about the tactics the No campaign are adopting no I dont mean the insults to those who dont agree with each other views and I also include the Yes campaign in the insult part but being brought up in the East End of Glasgow we had a saying Sticks and Stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me...but back to my point about the No tactics..theyre using the tactics that a bullying partner would use in a domestic leave you cant take this or that , or your nog able to look after yourself , your worthless But I still want you to stay. For me Ive just noticed this underlying trend and I wonder if the big business etc..who jump on the No bandwagon actually realise theyre basically saying its ok to bully and blackmail your partner to make them stay. My point is if Britain loved Scotland so much then why allow 1 million of its people to live in poverty , we have the lowest life expectancy in the UK and in most of EU, why allow the only banks that flourish in Scotland to be The Foodbanks? Why always does Westminster try out theyre unfavourable policies on the Scots( poll tax) if they love us so much. These are not the actions of a loving partner a loving partner would trust us to make the right decision and back us in any decision we make whether it suits them or not these are the actions of a bullying manipulative partner who likes to show theyre in charge and that is how I interpret ate the no campaign. I dont like England any less because I would want my own country I love England I love going there but that should have no bearing on me wanting to stay British.. I was born in Scotland I love it and would like to see it make its own way in this world.. A final point and a point that made me think what have they done to this country. I was in the bank and there was a box asking for food donations I thought it was for 3rd world countries but at a closer look it was for the Glenrothes Foodbanks . This is not how I envisage Scotland were some people have to rely on Foodbanks and the irony of collection points in Banks brought it home to me Vote Yes and lets put Scotland up there in this world were it the top.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:24:42 +0000

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