Scotty has affected all of us, each and every one of us on this - TopicsExpress


Scotty has affected all of us, each and every one of us on this page- thats why we are all here! I know I am forever changed after learning of this tragic, unfortunate, and preventable event; Ive learned to be much more patient with my own son, Im more tolerant of the little things with him; but Im also more jaded when it comes to other people I see, especially when I hear a childs cry and the parents response when Im out. With the new year here, NOW is the time to do something, NOW is the time to start being the voice for the voiceless. The statistics on child abuse are staggering: 3 million reports of child abuse are reported each year on 6 million children; there is a report of child abuse every 10 seconds! So by the time you have read through this, there has been at least 1 report of child abuse!! Over 70% of child abuse deaths occur to those under the age of 2 and 80% are not old enough for kindergarten!!! These are very disturbing facts!! We have to do something, and it starts with a conversation! Awareness and education are the key! I know many people dont want to talk about child abuse for many reasons- I get it, its painful to hear, its heart wrenching to visualize what these poor babies had to endure! But we have to talk about it! We can no longer turn away, bury our heads in the sand! If we dont speak up for our babies, who will?? Lets all make this year the year we speak up!! So please, if you suspect abuse, report it! Even if it turns out to not be abuse, its better to report it and it be nothing rather than not report actual abuse. If you know someone who is abusing, help them get help!! I know it can be difficult to talk about these things, and when the response is I just cant hear these stories doesnt make it easy to get the word out. So lets start a discussion here on how we could respond to these types of comments! It will help us all to better respond to this to help get the word out about child abuse! Mine is not one I came up with on my own, but rather heard elsewhere but its the perfect response to I cant listen to these stories, it makes me too upset respond with imagine what these poor innocent little children feel.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:45:48 +0000

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