Screaming parrots?! Ugh! PART 2 The infamous flock call - TopicsExpress


Screaming parrots?! Ugh! PART 2 The infamous flock call Youre best case scenario would be if you had an open floor plan home where you can place your parrots cage in a place where he or she can always be with in eye view of its flock mates. (Oh how I wish my house was set up like this!!) So, for those of us who do not have that luxury, we must adapt!! Here is my method.... My parrot can talk. So I use that to my advantage. I would much rather hear him talk than scream. After all hes not screaming to just scream. He just wants to get a reply back and know you are still there and havent left. No one answers until a parrot starts screaming. We yell at them for screaming thus giving them attention which is all they wanted to begin with. This is why screaming gets out of control. We in reality are teaching them to scream. When Bean screams I ignore that behavior, but when Bean talks, I repeat it right back to him from what ever room Im in. He has learnt that I will only reply when he talks. Screaming gets him nothing. This did not happen over night!! It took lots of patients and training, but it does work!! I also tell Bean every time Im leaving the house that Im going to town and I will be back. I do it every time. He never makes a peep the entire time I am gone. The reason I know this because my son and boyfriend both told me he doesnt make a peep when Im not home. I honestly didnt believe them so I bought a webcam so I could see for myself. Lol! They werent lying. Not a peep! I will tell you this, though, He knows the second he hears my car pull in the driveway and MY car only!! NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THEIR INTELLIGENCE!! ;) Im attaching a sample of Bean and Is flock call
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:26:53 +0000

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