Screen shot from highlight reel of NC State Fair The Magic of The - TopicsExpress


Screen shot from highlight reel of NC State Fair The Magic of The Mustangs & Friends show and image from photo shoot with Parrish Photography It is hard to put into one post how thankful I am for this past week. It has been in my heart for a long time to share a motivational message with these brilliant Mustang partners to help me and this week the dream became reality... This past week I was able to share my relationship with Silver Lining, Flying Colors and Magic with 4 wonderful audiences of people ... as well as the @Tarheel Traveler who will be airing a show on my Mustang Message in November. The crazy thing is is I resisted the opportunity. When Rose Cushing of Carolina Hoofbeats TV first asked me I told her I had other commitments of clinics and the American Horsewomans Challenge that month - Would I have time or energy to pull this off? ... She insisted that she knew I could do it - and honestly, only as a personal favor to her, I said yes. .... Then I kind of panicked for a moment .. or maybe more like a few moments and thought HOW can I do this??? To Headline the State Fair following Guy McLean??? Oh my!!! I brain stormed ideas for the show .. but I was reminded this needs to be primarily about the Mustangs, especially about My Mustangs .. ME .. talk about pressure!!! .. But as I accepted that I started to shift my thinking - I started to remember that dream I have had for so long .. I started to visualize that dream again. I had been developing Line Dance all year for the AHC ... I could have him be my main Mustang partner for the show? ... but they he got hurt (he is doing much better btw) ... Not only was he out of the AHC, he was likely out of the State Fair Show as well ... Now what? I have been totally focused and aligned on one thing - Dance - for 6 months. Now I have a show to produce in 3 weeks and am feeling like I have no plan because I can not incorporate him ..... It is funny, just as you see your plan disintegrate .. the Master plan shows up! With three weeks till the event I shifted gears and pulled Colors, Silver and Magic out of the field and into the arena. We just started playing. I vowed not to add anything new to them - there was not enough time .. but instead I focused on their individual strengths and then pair those strengths up with each other. .. and that is when it started to get Magical. Truly! Colors confident energy helped Magic gain security. I discovered a very simple way to use my body more like a horse that became the critical link in connecting up when I was riding one Mustang and mirroring another. ... So many things started to unfold - more than I can describe. .. but long story short - the true Plan emerged and it was beyond my wildest dreams. We were thrown quite a few loops .. as always will happen .. but all of this was handled in stride by everyone that was a part of it... and I say everyone because this was not just me - no at all. This is about Relationships ... with our horses, and with each other! .. The show was made complete by each of those diverse relationships that were shared .. not just mine. We had the Miracle Mustangs that survived that wreck on the mountain just last year. Casey and her Daddy Jason Hiser did a tear flowing ride to Cowboys & Angels. JW and Casey ( Carol Hiser ) offered some comic relief with their super cool ballerina and soccer playing Minis. (I have truly fallen in love with this family!) Casey finished our week with a brilliant Monkey routine with Pancake! ... Lauryn Zepeda and Gringo, The Clicker Trained Mustang was able to join us Thurs and Fri and she had folks tracking her down right and left for interviews after watching her stunning Native American routine. ... Kirsten Mew was able to join us Wed-Fri and shared her EMM Youth Champion performance with all of her huge props... People kept asking me who made them! .. Paul Mew told me to not say a word - I think Kirsten may have him booked for a long time :-) .... Amanda Thompson came in Sat and did a great job presenting the flag for the National Anthem ... and Hannah Smith ... oh Hannah .. you will have to see video to begin to appreciate what she did .. but she blew the doors off .. Ill give you a hint - totally tackless mounted shooting !!! .. and she presented the flag the whole week too... Hannah and I did a mirrored ride to Girls & Horses one day as well. My Mustang Silver and her sweet mare Izzy have such similar energy. I feel so aligned with Hannah in so many ways - I am so thankful Claudia McCauley introduced us back in 2012! .. And we were able to represent our LOPE Rescues program really well too. Thurs - Sat we were able to set up a round pen just outside the main arena and invited the audience to come visit with us after the main show. I was overwhelmed by the people that flooded over to visit with some of our LOPE Rescues. I am so thankful to our LOPE Rescue trainers for taking the time to come and tremendously thankful for Crystal Jordans support! I am So thankful to Brian Hilligoss for the use of his songs Mary Believes and Its About Love. Thankful to Templeton Thompson and Sam Gay for the use of Believe in Me. So thankful to Jim Thomas of the Bar T Ranch for offering his time to announce - (He is the reason I even have Mustangs!) .. and the song Its About Love is in honor of his Wounded Warriors ride! Very thankful to Wayne L Williams of Speaking of Horses TV for his wonderful skills the whole week. Thankful to the NC Horse Council and Sue Gray for coordinating all of this. Thankful to the NC State Fair for thinking outside of the box and trying something new. Thankful to Lauryns kind husband and Parrish Photography for pictures (I will post them soon :-) Thankful to Rodney Cushing and Rose Cushing of Carolina Hoofbeats TV for their footage and for always supporting my heart. So THANKFUL .. Just thankful. I must say - I was pretty intimidated to share the Headline with Guy McLean - but the whole reason I am inspired by him so deeply is the fact he OWNS his path and his heart and always remains true to himself .... and that is all I must do as well. .. simply be Original, simply B ME .. and that will be enough. So thankful to have been blessed with the opportunity to share my heart, on 12 Mustang hooves .. with all of you! - Highlight reel soon to come!!! Mary Miller Jordan - MMJ and Mustangs
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:40:17 +0000

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