Screw what Barack HUSSEIN Obama and anyone else says... we ARE at - TopicsExpress


Screw what Barack HUSSEIN Obama and anyone else says... we ARE at war with Islam and the enemy is HERE!!! We are fighting a silent battle and the battlefield is on our own soil. They kill Americans with impunity all over the globe with little to no consequences from this administration. Case in point, the recent beheadings of American reporters, the 9/11 incident in Benghazi, Nidal Malik Hasan and BHO running to his defense immediately after he killed 13 soldiers and wounded 32 others at Fort Hood... just to name a few. Hmmmmm... Islam, a religion of peace huh? Theyre being protected by the federal government and especially the current regime that occupies the White House. According to the current administration, by saying any negative comments about Islam or Muslims is considered hate speech. Eric Holder warns that inflammatory speech against Muslims would constitute a violation of THEIR civil rights. REALLY?! What about Christians civil rights that are continuously violated?! Well, Im here to tell you, SCREW THAT!!! Say what you want, utilize your Freedom of Speech! Furthermore, I say we start cooking and selling hot dogs, pulled-pork sandwiches and any other pork product imaginable EVERYWHERE Muslims congregate! Lets permeate the air with that delicious smell! Muslims need to be driven out of our country and sent back to the Middle East... PERIOD! I dont care if youre an American citizen, born and raised here, you need to go where you can enjoy the fruits of your peaceful religion... and hopefully well have a Commander in Chief in the VERY near future, who has the balls enough to turn those regions into frigging glass factories. madworldnews/muslims-oklahoma-decapitation/
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:38:48 +0000

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