Scriptural thought of the day to ponder: I know many of us have - TopicsExpress


Scriptural thought of the day to ponder: I know many of us have had extremely heavy hearts and spirits the past few weeks with what is happening in the Middle East and Asia to believers who are standing FIRM in and for their FAITH [Belief]. Additionally, many of HIS kids here are under attack as well ... jobs have been lost, many struggling with health issues, and relationships are disintegrating at rapid speed {Matthew 10:32-41 & Luke 12:34-49}. It has been clear that the line is being drawn in the sand {Luke 6 & Isaiah 66}. HOW DOES ONE PRAY THROUGH THESE TIMES?!? I dont know about you, but Ive struggled to find the words and sometimes Im just at a loss! Because HE foretold these things would be coming through HIS prophets. Lately my constant prayer has been for STRENGTH, WISDOM, and HIS SUPERNATURAL POWER to see all believers through these times that are now upon us. HIS Word says it will not return to HIM void {Isaiah 55:11} and thankfully our High Priest is ever living to make intercession for us, as HE sits at the right hand of The Father {Hebrews 7:2}. ... So I pray these Scriptures will help to bless and strengthen your heart, mind, and soul in these … the “latter” end of days! :) BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS and DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED for HE is WITH YOU WHERE EVER YOU GO!!!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:33:58 +0000

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