Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 One of the most exciting ways we - TopicsExpress


Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 One of the most exciting ways we hope your faith is strengthened when learning from the Prayer, Care and Share Jesus guide (PCS) is by becoming more confident when sharing Jesus with others. When you do lead someone to Christ, you might even feel led to share what you’ve learned in the PCS guide. It can be a great discipleship tool! In Matthew 28: 19-20, Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey (not just know) all of Jesus commandments. When you walk someone through accepting Jesus in their life, it’s a great idea to start the discipleship process right away - teaching the new believer to obey everything Jesus commanded. You can also get them connected to a church or community of faith. You might not be able or feel led to be the one to disciple the new believer. But, you can help them find a way to get discipled by connecting with someone or a Christian community or church. When I have led people to Christ whom I won’t see again, such as taxi drivers or flight attendants, I have prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to orchestrate their follow-up. You can teach them about things that Jesus teaches in the Bible like baptism, reading the Bible, prayer, involvement in a community of believers (such as a church or house church); taking communion (remembering Christ in the way he commanded us); and sanctification (go and sin no more. John 8:11). These are not all of Jesus teachings, but they are a good start for your new believer. This week, start praying about your role in someone’s life as a discipleship mentor. Ask for guidance, wisdom and compassion. Your PRAY NOW Challenge: Lord, I thank you that I get to be a part of Your great plan. Help me to love and care for the disciples you give me by teaching them to do what you taught us to do. Give me Your ability to do this well. I pray in Your Name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:52:31 +0000

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