Scripture for 10-09-14 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye - TopicsExpress


Scripture for 10-09-14 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Life can be easy, and life can be so terribly, incredibly hard. When I first made things right with God, and I mean REALLY right with Him for the first time in my entire life, everything was so wonderful. Sure there were still bad things going on, but I felt so wonderful because for the first time in my entire life I had peace that nothing could steal from me. Fastforward a few years now and even though I still have that peace, things have gotten a little harder. I’m not in the euphoric state that I once was because at that point in my life I felt like all I had to do was witness to people and tell them how God had changed me and surely they would make things right with Him as well, right? I sure wish it was that simple. But I know that for a long time I was that same stubborn person that didn’t want to hear and to admit what could really help them. The thing that really scares me now though is that I know we don’t have much more time on this earth. Not even thinking about the rapture, we don’t have the guarantee that we will still be alive in the next few minutes or days or weeks. Life is fleeting and it’s gone before we know it. This is something we all know, but we don’t want to really face. So many people want to believe that nothing could happen to them. They don’t think they could die in a car accident. They don’t believe they could ever get a divorce or lose a child; they don’t even believe that they could come down with an incurable disease. Whether they believe it or not, these things happen all the time. I love God and am so thankful for all that He has done for me. I can’t express how truly grateful I am that He gave me a second chance. I love my life, but I’m getting so very tired. I remember when I was younger hearing my parents talk about how before Jesus came back for His Church that people would be crying out to Him to come back because of how terrible things would be. I thought it was crazy because what in the world could be so bad about life? Especially when you were grown and could do whatever you wanted. Now, I see it all too clearly and have prayed more than once myself for Him to come back for us. I’m tired. I’m so very tired of praying and crying and trying and doing all that I know to do to try and help people just for them to ignore it all and continue to do the things they do. They are hurting themselves more than they realize, and they are hurting those closest to them without even seeing it. Those same ones that they take for granted are the ones that they are destroying with their selfish decisions to continue to do whatever they want, not really caring who it hurts. I’m so tired, but I know that if I hold on just a little longer it’s all going to be worth it. I can’t allow myself to think of the ones that may not make it. All I can think of is me and my kids and pray fervently for those that I know are lost until I no longer am able to pray. I think of my Granny and all that she went through and I think she had so much faith. If only I can have a fraction of her faith I will make it. So even though I may not be as excited as I once was, I still know that my God saves. He saved me and He can save anyone who will come to Him and FULLY surrender to Him. I won’t stop witnessing. I won’t stop teaching and singing and writing and praying because even though I know I can’t win them all, I’m still going to try because they are worth it no matter what anyone else says. If they weren’t worth it Jesus wouldn’t have died for them but He did, so I’m still going to do what I can to help them see that.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 03:43:44 +0000

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