Scripture for today Romans 16:17-18. Now I urge you, brethern, - TopicsExpress


Scripture for today Romans 16:17-18. Now I urge you, brethern, note to those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. Question: Paul here is telling us to be aware of who you associate with. Some of these he was speaking about may very well be so-called believers, meaning they seem to be. They fit into the fold. In churches you have sheep (true believers), wolves (those who pick off believers, especially the weaker ones. They will try to destroy the shepherd and the entire congregation) and goats (those who will butt up against and bully anything and anybody. They too will destroy the congregation and shepherd). The goats and wolves will destroy you and a church if not strong. Sometimes even if you are strong, they will wear you down and go in for the kill. This is what Paul is warning true believers about. Do you know people like this? Do you choose to associate with them? Not sure if you do, then ask yourself if that person has the fruit of the Spirit (peace, joy, love patience, etc..). Or do they harbor gossip, anger, bitterness, etc... Check their fruit! Do they tear down the saints or the pastor or do they edifiy them? If they spend more energy destroying rather than constructing you need to stay away from them, lest you be destroyed in their wake! Will you do a check on your friends today and if they are a goat or wolf will you make a wise choice about who you will hang out with?
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:30:17 +0000

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