Scriptures that Reference the American Negro as the Hebrew - TopicsExpress


Scriptures that Reference the American Negro as the Hebrew Israelites of the Old Testament by BIBLICAL PROOF. You are probably asking yourself who is a Hebrew Israelite mentioned in the Old Testament? To find the answer you must look and study diligently, praying to Yahweh (The Creator) for understanding, while also keeping your open mind. Yahweh (YHWH) abbreviated, is the scared name of the creator found in most dictionaries, this is how the name of the Creator looks like in Hebrew; Before we get started, I want the reader to keep in mind that Yahweh had pre warned us through Scriptures at Deuteronomy 28:37 “And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations where Yah of Hosts shall lead you.” The meaning of these proverbs and bywords is simple, they mean a nickname that is associated with all Hebrew people. But these nicknames are not to be looked at by the Hebrew people as legitimate substitutes for our true name and identity; so let us begin! We will look at who were Hebrews according to the King James Version of the Bible. Please open your Bible and look at Genesis 14:13 Here is when Abram (here name not yet changed to Abraham by Yahweh) is mentioned as being a Hebrew, now look at Exodus 2:6 where Moses is found by Pharaoh’s daughter, and is said to be a Hebrew, verse 11 goes on further to say Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his Brethren. In the Book of Jonah 1:9 Jonah states; I am a Hebrew; and I fear Yahweh, the God of Heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Moses, Elijah, Enoch, and Daniel were all Hebrews, as well as the kings of Israel, David, Solomon, Rehoboam, and Jehoshaphat, all of whom were from the lineage of Abraham to the birth of Michael the great Prince, are all Hebrews, and every one of them had dark skin pigmentation (color). I will attempt to show from the Bible where some Hebrews state they’re Black in color. LAMENTATION 4:8 Their visage is Blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: Their skin cleaves to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language page 1432 defines the word visage as: the face or facial expression of a person; countenance. The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible’s, definition of the word visage found in the Hebrew dictionary page 122 states; 1 Figure or appearance, countenance. Strong’s Concordance definition of the word black is found on page 114 states: a prim root idea of the duskiness of early dawn; to be dim or dark (in color): -be black. American Dictionary definition of the word black found on page 136 states: belonging to an ethnic group having dark skin; especially, negroid, any member of a negroid people; a Negro. LAMENTATIONS 5:10 Jeremiah the Prophet is talking about the suffering of Black Hebrews, he states: Our skin is black like an oven because of the (terror, storms) famine.” The skin being toughened up and in a state of being naked because of not being able to immerse in oils and beauty aids, as was the customs of our people, and because the Black Hebrew nations were under siege (attack) to take us into slavery. Black like an oven, meaning to shrivel, or dry up (as with heat) from an oven, figuratively to be deeply affected with pity and or sorrow. Let’s turn to the songs of Solomon 1:5 IT STATES; I am Black but comely O ye daughter of Jerusalem, as the tent of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.” The word comely in Hebrew means beautiful. The daughters of Zion are referencing that they are Black as the pigmentation of their skin. JOB 30:30 My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat. This Scripture is talking about the righteous Hebrew man named job saying that his skin is black. The next Scriptures talk about when Yah (the creator) was showing Moses the disease of leprosy and that it would turn the pigmentation (color) of a person’s skin the color of white, it reads, Exodus 4:6,7 and Yahweh said furthermore unto him, put now thine (your) hand into thy bosom (chest), and he (Moses) put his hand in his bosom, and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow, another words THE ALMIGHTY made his hand turn White in color. In verse 7 Yahweh turns Moses hand back to its original color black! I should warn you to study from as old a Bible as you can, because some of the newer Bibles have taken out the word black and substituted it for the word pale. Now if you asked an American Indian what he thinks of the word pale, and who is identified by the word pale face, do you think he would be talking about the Anglo Saxon race (White people)? Well I believe to change the word Black to Pale is misleading, and is further proof of the conspiracy to hide the world’s best kept secret, the true identity of the so-called 2 American Negro, or Black Man. Following are several Scriptures supporting that Hebrews are Black; JEREMIAH 14:2 The Hebrew Tribe Yehudah, many say as Judah improperly, is Black unto the ground. Yehudah is one of the 12 Black Tribes or Nations of Israel. EZEKIEL 4O:3 An Angel (Messenger of God) referred to being a man, and having the appearance in skin color as brass (brown). DANIEL 10:6 Description of an angel, being a man verse 5 clothed in linen with gold around his waist, in verse 6 he is said to have arms and feet like in color to polished brass. DANIEL 7:9 Yahweh, mentioned here as the “Ancient of Days” wearing white clothing, with the hair on his head as pure wool, just like Black people’s hair today that has not been straightened or chemically processed, like an afro. GENESIS 15:11-16 Talks about how our people, Black Hebrews, would be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them four hundred years. If you keep in mind Deut. 28:68 we see that the Creator says that he will bring us back to Egypt again in ships as bondmen and bondwomen (slaves). History tells us that the first time our people went into Egypt was by foot, they were walking, not crossing the ocean in the belly of ships. If you look close in verse 16 it tells us that during or in the fourth generation our people would return (to the holy land) note the second half of the verse FOR THE INIQUITY (continuous sins) of the Amorites is not yet full. Your key to knowing that the Scripture is talking about us today is locked in this name of the people who we would serve for four hundred years, people that brought us over on ships called Amorites. In the Ancient Egyptian writings on their walls, telling of history, they describe the Amorites as having light or dark hair with blue eyes. You can find this under Amorites on page 72 in the book Aid To Bible Understanding. Further research has revealed that the name Amorites literally means” Westerner as found on page 23 3 in the book, (The Pentateuch in its Cultural Environment). Slavery of our people has happened for different periods of time in the past, but only once for a duration of four hundred years straight. This happened in Egypt where our people stayed in captivity 430 years. We have been in America (spiritual-symbolic Egypt) around 478 plus years. Please note that the Ancient Egyptian people had black skin. Unlocking Biblical proof of our people and the conditions in that they would try to live under is in the entire 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. This chapter tells of how the Black Hebrew race ruled the world (vs.13) we would be the head (leaders) and not the tail (followers) and Yahweh would establish only us unto Himself as His Holy People (vs.9), if we would obey the commandments He set before our people, in the days of Moses. But if we broke Yahweh’s commandments He said He would not break his end of the agreement (Psalms 94:14). This agreement is called the covenant, and is found in the book of Genesis 17th chapter for Yahweh (God) will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance- (people). But would punish us with the rod and stripes Psalms 89:32 Another words chastisement by the hands of the other races in the form of slavery, for breaking the commandments of Yahweh, (Deut.28:15). We, Black Hebrew Israelites, His (Yahweh’s) people, would be punished (for a set amount of time), and during this punishment our people would be removed out of our land which is Israel to be scattered into all countries of the earth, and we would be given (taken as slaves) to another people in what was considered at that time to be the end of the earth, (America). As swift as the Eagle Flieth The national symbol of America is the eagle, just look at a dollar bill. This chapter also tells how our people would have chains of iron around our necks, and how we would be made to serve other gods, and how we would birth children and not enjoy them for they would be drained of their youth and strength through slavery by the slave masters. It is important to know that we have been slaves to another people and not just to White people in America, But also in the West Indies, Caribbean Islands, and parts of the continent now called Africa named after a white Roman general named Publius Cornelius Scipio. Africanus his nickname, came from him defeating Hannibal (a Black man) who at one time marched over the mountain range of the Alps with around 40 elephants and thousands of soldiers to defeat the Romans in a major battle at Rome. Hannibal was later defeated at the battle of Zama (202 B.C), an ancient village in Northern 4 Africa in what is now Tunisia. The proper name of Africa should be Ethiopia, and the Atlantic Ocean was once named the Ethiopian Ocean. Slavery however, has been crueler under the hands of the White people of the North Country America. It is important to know that we as Black Hebrews have faced Ill-treatment in many other nations such as England, Germany, Spain, France, Africa and Arab nations. (See Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin). Also see from Babylon to Timbuktu and valley of the Dry bones by Professor Rudolph Windsor. According to Psalms 83:1-8 all nations have made cleaver and underhanded agreements to cut us off from being a nation, and do all in their power to make us forget our true heritage, culture, land, and the correct name of our God, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Yah of Hosts is His name, But is called Yah in short form. The nations of the earth said, let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. Professor Rudolph Windsor in his book from Babylon to Timbuktu tells of underground cities that Hebrews built to escape being Hunted and killed; Those who did not escape were forced to take on the religions and cultures of other people. Many of our people who choose to continue to worship as their forefathers during captivity were executed for keeping the Laws of the Old Testament or Torah (law of Moses- first five books of The Old Testament). The books of the Apocrypha called Maccabees 1 AND 2 cover the time period between the writings of Malachi of the Old Testament, and Matthew of the New Testament (300-400YRS.). These books give you the reader an account of these practices, and tell of Black Hebrews who fought against these evil people while staying faithful to the teachings of the Old Testament or Torah given by Yahweh. It tells of the wicked Black Hebrew leaders (ministers, pastors) joining with invading foreign leaders and their heads of states/churches to make a new book or Bible called the New Testament for the purpose of stopping the hideous persecution of Black Hebrews. Once the New religion was fashioned, the king who ruled over us and the world made it come into law and forced all to accept under penalty of death. Any Black Hebrew caught worshipping as our forefathers did was put to death. The results of hundreds of years of this practice is a people who claim everything other than their true heritage, which leaves a truly brain dead people with a malignant (cancerous) growth of untruths they are unaware of. none else These words I hope will answer your questions why the terrible treatment towards Black Hebrew people by other people has in the past, and continues to this very day throughout 5 6 the earth. Remember it was said in advance through prophesy that we would come to a land of slavery were we would worship gods foreign to our ancestors gods – religions of wood and stone. Deuteronomy 28:36 Yah will drive you out of the land. And he will drive out the king you place over you. All of you will go to a nation you and your people long ago didnt know anything about. There you will worship other gods. They will be made out of wood and stone. WOOD GOD(S) = CHRISTIANITY STONE (BLACK ROCK IN MECCA) = ISLAM Praise the Creator Yahweh the God of the Israelites. The Creator Yahweh is the deity responsible for the creation of the world (cosmos or U iverse).
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:47:04 +0000

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