Sea Shepherd Receives Silly Faroese Threat Response from - TopicsExpress


Sea Shepherd Receives Silly Faroese Threat Response from Captain Paul Watson There is a petition circulating in the Faroe Islands asking Faroese people to support this rather strange threat against Sea Shepherd. Leave or we will kill more whales! Denmark must really get both embarrassed and annoyed at this trouble-making archaic outpost of their Kingdom. If the Faroes were to venture into the area of killing large cetaceans like endangered Fins and Humpbacks and protected Minkes, the shit-storm of opposition that would smack Copenhagen in the face would be swift and harsh. Denmark is already walking on shaky ethical and legal ground after fighting to give Greenland a bigger quota of whales so they can sell more whales to tourists but one thing we are very certain of is that Denmark will not condone the killing of large cetaceans that fall under the jurisdiction of the International Whaling Commission. So this is all just shit-talk posing by a bunch of frustrated pilot whale and dolphin killing braggarts. In the Faroe islands, apparently any disagreement with the status quo is considered a lie. We say that pilot whales are endangered. They say it is a lie yet they can’t provide any evidence to say what the number are and the status of their health. We say that pilot whale meat is contaminated with methyl-mercury and they say we’re lying despite the fact that their own doctors warn them of the dangers of the high levels of mercury in their bodies. We say that they kill white-sided dolphins and they call us liars despite the fact that their own records prove they killed 430 of this very same species in August 2013. We say that they let their children play with and mutilate the bodies of whales and dolphins and they say it is a lie despite the fact that there are literally hundreds of photos and videos to prove it. Sea Shepherd will never back down from opposition to the obscenity called the Grindacrap. It is a cruel and outdated archaic slaughter that has no place in the 21st Century. It is a barbaric and perverse tradition shared only with the dolphin killing monsters of Taiji, Japan. My message to the Faroese whale killers is – what kind of asinine, ridiculous, juvenile and weird groundless impotent threat is this and do you really expect us to take this kind of silliness seriously. If so I would say your mercury levels have reached the tipping point. Photos: A proud father showing his son how to knock the teeth from a dead whale. Wallowing in blood and gore seems to be a favorite Faroese pastime. No wonder so many Faroese women are leaving the islands for Europe. If this is the standard by which the men of the Faroe Islands measure their manliness it is pathetically disgusting. Here is the Faroese petition site: mink whale hunting Um Sea Shepherd ikki fer úr Føroyum seinast 25 septembur, vilja undirritaðu gera alt sum stendur í okkara makt at hjálpa føroyskum áhugaðum við at fáa eina kvotu uppá 120 sildrekar, 10 finnhvalir og 10 kúlubøkur at skjóta, fjórða hvørt ár. Byrja í 2015 til 2019. Um so er at Sea Shepherd velur at støðga við at blanda seg uppí føroysk viðurskiftir í samband við grind og gevst við at lúgva um Føroyar og grindadráp, so vilja vit síggja burtur frá omanfyri nevndu umsókn. Skriva undir her: English: If Sea Shepherd does not leave Faroe Islands latest thursday 25th september, we who signed this signature collection, will do everything we can to help faroese whalers to get a quota of 120 mink whales, 10 fin whales, 10 humpbacks whales, starting in year 2015 to 2019. However, if Sea Shepherd stops interfering in whaling in the Faroe Islands and stops protesting and lying about Faroe Islands given right to hunt pilot whales, we will not follow up on the application. Sign here: Notice: IWC just handed Greenland a quota the next 4 years. 176 mink whales, 19 fin whales, 10 humpbacks and 2 greenland whales.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:26:14 +0000

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