Sean Cusack --we are not rational beings. i DO recommend that we - TopicsExpress


Sean Cusack --we are not rational beings. i DO recommend that we remind ourselves how this process of rationalization is far more common than we like to think. it, literally, affects *all* of us *all* the time. we think we have access to our thoughts and our logical processing and our decision-making. but we dont. again and again, science proves that we are less and less consciously capable to making decisions or rational judgements. i recommend reading some of Daniel Dennett - ive only read his early work Consciousness Explained, but it was literally mind-altering in its clarity. ive heard his more recent works have improved upon it and taken into account more modern findings. i also recommend You Are Not So Smart. its pretty hard to argue that youre a rational being after reading that. and its a lot easier to empathize with the seeming irrationalities in others, too. you can read half the book here: youarenotsosmart - if you like it, get the book and the sequel, both recommended.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 18:36:10 +0000

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