Sean Hannity show. ATTACK ON NAACP! with the help of guess senator - TopicsExpress


Sean Hannity show. ATTACK ON NAACP! with the help of guess senator (R) Tim Scott (black guy). Tim Scott went to the recent march and rally asked several people about what about the Tea Party is racist? He asked one old white woman, one old black woman, one older black male, and one young white woman. Each one marching and on camera. Now Ive been on camera before and had stage fright. But Tim Scott couldnt get one person to specify what about the Tea Party is racist. Except the young white woman gave a general explanation (similar to how the RNC says Obama is a terrorist/Nazi, Obamacare kills women jobs etc). Hows this Tim Scott for an answer how the Tea Party is racist. Ready? Larry Klaymann a man that stated without facts calling Obama muslim and hes not a president of our people, hes a president of his people, he needs to come out with his hands up. Oklahoma townhall meeting a old lady calls for Obamas execution. The day after 2013 Gov Shutdown Republicans wanted a man brought a confederate flag to the white house. Heres another people within the Tea Party keep saying they are scared of Obama as if he has this villain face and claws attacking them, but they can never state why they are scared of him. Heres another one they keep saying Obama go back to Kenya. The Tea Parties tone of voice and reaction to things that are calm and reasonable. Tea Party making up shit that isnt there is racist like Fox News. Laws like Stand Your Ground are for black peoples benefit, but not one black person that has used or simulated using it has walk away from jail or is alive for more than 2 months after incident happened but Zimmerman and Ethan (affluenza kid), and likely Micheal Dunn will walk away with applause and called hero. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Michelle Bachmann, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz and his dad especially. I could write a book on the list of racist Tea Party. Titled Tea Party Roots and the Cool Aide Take that Tim Scott and Sean Hannity
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 06:46:51 +0000

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