Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious - TopicsExpress


Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 Its so easy to recognize what other people are doing wrong, isnt it? We can stand back and point fingers and say all the things that they shouldnt be doing or how they could have done better. Its even worse if we happen to be involved in a disagreement. Its so easy to see where others have made mistakes and we become offended or even worse harbor bitterness. We can build walls and allow most things being said to us become an offense. Then we question motives and words being said by everyone and walk with an offense toward others, and this keeps everyone at arm’s length from our heart. We dont like it when God ask us to search our own hearts for the same things, do we? Some will not do it at all, other wrestle with God before they submit and then some just fall to their kness. David, in Psalm 139, prays that God would search his heart and illuminate anything thats offensive, anything thats wrong. Elsewhere in Scripture, were told that God wants to test our motives, our thoughts...really everything. Because not one of us is perfect. Not one of us is without sin. And were accountable for ourselves. The choices we make, the words we say, the thoughts we think; we have to answer for those. Its also tempting to look at others and justify, saying, Well at least I didnt do that! or Try to validate how we spoke to a fellow brother or sister we feel offended us. We are still focusing on others sin instead, comparing and trying to make ourselves feel and look better because at least our mistakes arent as bad as theirs. But all of that is worthless in Gods sight. Sin is all it is. Whatever that were doing that isnt according to His word and His truth needs to be addressed. We need to look in the mirror and start there. To stop worrying about what our brother or sister is doing and start taking responsibility for what we are doing. What have we done that violates Gods commands? What have we done that tears down instead of builds up? What have we done that is the opposite of what Jesus would do in the same situation? What things have we neglected to do that we should have done? Theyre hard questions, to ask ourselves right? Can we say, ouch? Can it be uncomfortable, yes, but none of us likes to look at ourselves that way. But the reality is, the prayer of Davids heart should be the prayer of your heart and mine. We should be asking God to bring those things to light so that we can get rid of them and be back on the right road; the way everlasting. Today, will you make this prayer your own? SMILE and Have a blessed day; youre loved by the King of Kings! :) Just a Fellow Traveler Seeking the Savior, Jamie - HSMM
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 11:41:06 +0000

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