Search results for A plugin (shockwave Flash) isnt responding on - TopicsExpress


Search results for A plugin (shockwave Flash) isnt responding on Facebook FAQs (50) · Community Questions (6,498) Social plugins Get Started on Facebook » Glossary of Terms Social plugins are tools that other websites can use to provide people with personalized and social experiences. When you interact with social plugins, you share your experiences off Facebook with your friends on Facebook. Learn more. What happens when I report that something isnt working on Facebook? Report Something » Report a Broken Feature When things dont work on Facebook we want to fix them right away. As people send us reports about broken features, we review them and sometimes reach out for more info to help us resolve the problem. Typing in chat isnt working. Messaging » Chat » Bugs & Known Issues If youre typing in chat and nothing appears or characters appear unexpectedly, please let us know. My Page isnt showing up in Facebooks search results. Pages » Managing a Page » Limits & Other Issues When you first create a Page, it can take several days for it to start appearing in Facebooks search results. Why isnt my Facebook Page showing up in my Wi-Fi configuration panel? Pages » Managing a Page » Facebook Wi-Fi Make sure that youve claimed your Page. What are social plugins? Apps, Games & Game Payments » About Social Plugins Social plugins are things like the Like button, the Share button, comments and other tools that let you share your experience off of Facebook with your friends and others on Facebook. My Timeline isnt loading. Profile & Timeline » Bugs & Known Issues If the only thing loading on your Timeline is your cover photo, tell us more here. The username I want isnt available. Manage Your Account » Your Facebook Web Address Usernames may be unavailable for many reasons, even if it seems like they arent being used. For example, a username could be taken by a Page that isnt published yet. Also, we prevent certain words from being included in usernames. I want to set up Facebook texts, but my country or mobile carrier isnt listed as an option. Facebook Mobile » Facebook Texts This list shows the countries and carriers that we have a mobile partnership with. If your country or carrier isnt listed in the dropdown menu in the first step of the activation process, you wont be able to activate texts. My list of friends in the chat sidebar isnt loading. Messaging » Chat » Bugs & Known Issues If your list of friends doesnt load in the chat sidebar, try manually refreshing the page a few times (Ctrl + r on a PC or Command + r on a Mac) or clearing your cache. The chat sidebar isnt loading. Messaging » Chat » Bugs & Known Issues To expand the chat sidebar, click Chat in the bottom-right corner of your screen. If the sidebar doesnt load, try expanding your browser window. Does Facebook receive cookie information when I visit a site with the Like button or another social plugin? If you’ve previously received a cookie from Facebook because you either have an account or have visited facebook, your browser sends us information about this cookie when you visit a site with the “Like” button or another social plugin. How do social plugins work? Apps, Games & Game Payments » About Social Plugins While social plugins appear on other websites, the information appearing in them comes directly from Facebook, so theyre just an extension of your Facebook experience. Plugins were designed so that the website youre visiting receives none of this info. My message inbox is blank or isnt loading completely. Messaging » Messages » Known Issues Try manually refreshing the page a few times (Ctrl + r on a PC or Command + r on a Mac) What happens if I dont respond to a friend request? You can find friend requests you dont respond to on the Find Friends page. News Feed isnt showing any new stories. News Feed » Bugs & Known Issues Your News Feed should be filled with updates from your friends and people and Pages you follow. How can I respond to reviews on my Page? Popular Features » Ratings & Reviews You can comment on reviews on your Page. What can I do if my ad isnt approved? Facebook Ads » Ads Manager » Managing Campaigns, Ad Sets and Ads If your ad wasnt approved by the Facebook Ads team, youll receive an email with the reasons it wasnt approved. For most reasons an ad isnt approved, youll see the option to edit your ad. Why isnt my Custom Audience populating in Audience Insights? Facebook Ads » Audiences » Audience Insights Your Custom Audience may not be populating in Audience Insights because you dont have enough people in your Custom Audience for us to match to people using our profile info. How do I uninstall the video calling plugin from my computer? Messaging » Video Calling » Getting Started You can uninstall the video calling plugin directly from your computer. My carrier isnt supported. Can I verify my account? Verify Your Account You should be able to verify your account using your mobile phone even if your carrier isnt supported. In the old reports, what do the terms in my exported Responder Demographics report mean? Facebook Ads » Ads Manager » Ads Reporting Date means the date on which the activity reported by that row of the report took place. Why isnt my boosted Page post reaching the number of people indicated when I first created it? Pages » Managing a Page » Growing Your Audience » Boost Your Posts The reach you see when you boost your Page post is an estimate and may be affected by other boosted posts running at that same time. When I try to sign up, it says my phone number isnt recognized. Make sure you typed your phone number correctly and included the country code. Why am I seeing a warning before I can view a photo or video? Sharing » Photos » Viewing Photos To help people share responsibly, we may limit the visibility of photos and videos that contain graphic content. Optimize your ad for the response you want Facebook Ads » Power Editor » Conversion Pixels Facebook uses a powerful algorithm to find the people most likely to take an action on your website (ex: sign up, purchase an item) and serve them ads automatically at the lowest competitive bid possible. Why isn’t the targeting I want available? Facebook Ads » Ads Troubleshooting Our international targeting is expanding as Facebook continues to grow in countries around the world. More locations will be added as data about states, regions, cities or post codes is validated for accuracy. Who can check into an event? Facebook Mobile » Facebook Mobile Apps » Facebook for iPhone Invited guests of an event whove responded that theyre attending or might be attending can check into the event within three hours of the events start time. My mobile app install ad isn’t tracking any installs. Facebook Ads » Ads Troubleshooting In order for a mobile app ad to track installs, you should have the latest version of the Facebook SDK implemented. Check with your developer to ensure they have followed all the steps. How can I make sure my Facebook Offer is successful? Popular Features » Offers » Creating Offers Every business is different, and you can experiment with offers to find out what your customers respond to best. Why can I see News Feed stories about someone who has yet to accept my friend request? News Feed » News Feed Privacy When you send someone a friend request, stories theyve shared as Public may appear in your News Feed. This way you don’t have wait for them to respond to your friend request to see their public updates. I sent my signed bank account authorization but have not yet had a response. Facebook Ads » Billing & Payments » Direct Debit for Ads Once we receive your bank information and confirm your details, well send an email confirmation. Where can I find case studies to help me get started with advertising? Facebook Ads » Guides for Advertisers You can read about what other advertisers have achieved with Facebook Ads on our Facebook for Business site. How do I know if a campaign is doing well? What should I do if my campaign isn’t doing well? Facebook Ads » Ads Manager » General Questions You can tell if a ad set is doing well by looking at the metrics for your campaign. How do I turn off notifications for an event? Popular Features » Events » Viewing & Responding to Events To stop getting notifications from an event that youre not interested in, decline the invitation when you RSVP. What are the different Page roles and what can they do? Pages » Managing a Page » Page Roles There are 5 different types of roles for people who manage Pages. Only an admin can change someones role. Can people still interact with me in an app if Ive blocked them? Security » Using Games & Apps Safely If you block someone on Facebook, youll still be able to see things that person has created within an app, but you shouldnt be able to interact with that person and they shouldnt be able to interact with you in the app. What is an app on Facebook? Apps, Games & Game Payments » App Basics » About Apps Apps and games are developed to enhance your experience on Facebook. You can add the apps and games that interest you from the App Center. How do I permanently delete my account? Manage Your Account » Deactivating, Deleting & Memorializing Accounts If you dont think youll use Facebook again, you can request to have your account permanently deleted. Please keep in mind that you wont be able to reactivate your account or retrieve anything youve added. What if my teen knows someone who is being bullied on Facebook? Safety Tools & Resources » Tools for Parents & Educators Facebook doesn’t tolerate bullying. Period. It’s a violation of the Facebook Community Standards and the Facebook Terms. We remove bullying content when we become aware of it and may disable the Facebook account of anyone who bullies or attacks another. How do I report intellectual property infringement found in a third-party app that wasnt built by Facebook? Report Something » Intellectual Property Issues » Copyright » Reporting Copyright Infringements Some apps you can find on Facebook (ex: Candy Crush, Spotify) are created and operated by third-party developers. Facebook doesn’t control the content made available through these apps. How do I know whether my copyright is being infringed by content that someone shared on Facebook? Report Something » Intellectual Property Issues » Copyright » Reporting Copyright Infringements According to the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, people on Facebook may not post copyrighted content to Facebook unless they own or are allowed to post the copyrighted content. How do I take a screenshot? Privacy » Troubleshoot Privacy Issues To take a screenshot, first make sure that the image you want to capture is showing on your screen. What is video calling? Messaging » Video Calling » Getting Started Video calling lets you make calls right from Facebook without downloading any additional programs or plugins, and works with Google Chrome and Firefox. What should I do if someone who is being bullied reaches out to me for help? Safety Tools & Resources » Safety Resources If someone reaches out to you for help, respond and let them know you’re there for them. Here are a few other things you can do to help: Why am I seeing banner ads all over my profile and News Feed? How do I remove these ads? Security » Spam and Other Security Threats » Adware Facebook ads will never appear as banners in the center, top, or left column of Facebook web pages. If youre seeing banner ads in these locations, or ads that flash or play sound automatically, you probably have adware. I cant view or play videos. Sharing » Videos » Uploading & Viewing Videos If youre having trouble on your computer, check that youre using the latest version of your browser (ex: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari). We also recommend you install the latest version of Adobe Flash. What if I want to change how Im charged for ads? Facebook Ads » Creating Ads » Ad Set Bidding If you change how you want to pay (ex: for clicks instead of impressions), youll be changing what Facebook optimizes for. However if youre certain you want to switch to optimize for clicks (likes, comments, shares), you can. Ive entered my bank information as a payment method for ads. What are my next steps? Facebook Ads » Billing & Payments » Direct Debit for Ads Once youve entered your bank information, youll need to email us a scanned copy of your bank account authorization. How do I run a Q&A? Popular Features » Q&As To run a Q&A:
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:59:05 +0000

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