Season 1 Insert 52 We had a great time with daddy,uAya besehleli - TopicsExpress


Season 1 Insert 52 We had a great time with daddy,uAya besehleli ecamko Tata ngoku eating i Ice cream ebsuku! I tried to stop them ndibaxelela its too cold for i ice and its too sweet for umntana,I was suppose to go to school tomorow yet uAya uzawfika endlini afune udlala apha cause he ate something sweet!Suger gives a kid energy!bathi ndimonela uAya Ted:Hay dear uAya hindoda he needs energy azoba strong anditsho bawo?(he looked at dad) Dad: ewe mfo injalo (bamtyisa :-() We paid the bill then went to the Boardwalk uDaddy efuna uspoiler uAya,then he took him to the Magic place bayodlala igames, wakhweliswa iplanes,namahashe,he enjoyed him self,laughing his lungs out he was so excited,Daddy took pictures in every moment he had with his phone wathi uzayozvasisa and put them kwi album yabantwana bakhe then we went home around Eleven kanje. On our way home,Ted was driving,uDaddy was bonding with Aya eback seat playing with Ayas plane behleka kumnandi Ted:Baby am working tomorow Me:Hee nana am also going to school tomorow,uAya somsaphi? Kufuneka simfunele icreche nana Ted:Akasoze athathwe ngoku,sephela unyaka,unless uzamfaka kwezicreche zalapha ekasi atleast abanazi rules ziza ngamandla,worce some of them are not registered kakade Dad:Hayi! I wana take him to the best creche ever,mqaliseni next year Me:But Daddy in the mean time what we gona do?I mean yeah ndiya part timer but xa ndiseskolweni uTed ephangele sokwenza njani? Dad:Il go to work with him,Ikhona iday care emsebenzin wam,parents do go to work with their kids babathathe when theyre going home. Me:Yhu a.a I dont trust that one,what if umntu ebengayanga namntana agqithe ngo Aya wam agoduke naye? :-( Ted:Ewe baby you got a point yhu Daddy:No man thats impossible,ungena nomntana,u put your signiture, umnike la mama ungene espan, naxa uphuma you put your signiture,uxele igama lakho ne fani nelo mntana umnikwe kengoku. And there are cameras uyabonwa so they know. Me: oh so if mna ndibuye early eschool ndiye pha ndiyomlanda what happens then? Dad: Theyl ask for your name and surname,babuze uthunywe ngubani? Then bafownele mna who is responsible,ndibizwe ndizo confirm(a) if unyansile na,we sign together then umthathe. Ted: yho hay jonga,istrict nyan le day care yenu! Security ityt akho chance ye Boko haram :v Dad: Ewe yhu,akho chance and uthetha emnyango,abantwana base back uyaziswa xa ugqibe yonkinto so akho chance ye corruption. Me: so is there a specific day ekuqalwa ngayo? I Mean maybe kuthwe kuqalwa january to December,akuqalwa phakathi enyakeni? Dad: Anytime, qha yi R150 per week,batya khona,they play,they watch catoons,they read stories,bayalaytelwa ne heater xa kubanda,balale nolala. Ted: thats cheap! We taking it,first thing in the Morning :-D Me: Ncooh my baby (ndamjonga) u going to school tomorow :-) We arrived at Zwide,Sindy beselele and istixo segate sikuye so I called her ndihleli emotweni (Phone rings) Sindy: Mhmm? Me: Izovula igate Sindy: yhu Zandie ndiphantsi kweengubo worce andnxibanga. . :( Me: Nxiba ke darlie uze :-) Sindy: Bengenaw tsiba ithango uAya azosthatha? :-) Me: Hahaha yhu a.a one day when hes older, uzowa ngok akasoze akwazi,phakama mani! Sindy: Okay okay! Geeze woman! (after 10minutes waphuma wearing her pink gown nezlipers ezi black and pink) Iza (she opened the gate wabulisa uTata) Molo Tata (she waved her hand) Daddy: Mholo mntanam, (sehlika emotweni) nilale kamnandi ke bantwa bami :-) . .bye bye boy va (he huggd him) bye bye my Angel Me: Bye Daddy (we huggd) thanks for tonight :-) Daddy: Anytime :-) (he looked at Ted) Ewe ke Sbhanxa sakwa Moloi :v Ted: ewe bawo yhu :v uhambe kakhle! (babambana izandla) Dad: uyasonwabisa mntanam,ndiyabulela for taking care of my family :-) Ted: (ekrwela intloko) eh ewe bawo soon to be mine :-) ngoba ziyeza iinkoma :-) Dad: ewe ewe, Ziingabhityi! :v Ngoba eyam intombi ndiyondlile uyaybona nawe mos :-) Ted: Ewe ewe yhu :-P (he looked at me with undressing eyes ndamqhwitha aphe ntloko) Ted: ouch! Haybo baby :-( Me: Hayi! Ibane manners Ayama: (laughed at him) :v Daddy: heke man! Qeqesha ntombam :v hay man mandihambe,thanks for tonight bantwabami :-) and again, Aya welcome to the family :-D wer people fight for truth Aya: (he smiled) :-) Me: night daddy uhambe kakuhle (I said that ndingena egatin waving my right hand,Teddy followed me watixa igate) Dad: Byeee (wabethi bell wemka) we went inside, and locked the door, I took a bath no Aya, Teddy took a shower then fixed Ayas staff for tomorow,mna ndamthambisa ndamxibisa i Pjs ndamselisa i DPH cause ebengozeli yile rubbish ye ice cream >_< 15minutes later walala :v Ted: (ebesenza inoise efront while ebe ayna for izinto zaksasa ecula) Inoba ngisisbhanxa :v ngangithi uyandithanda :v,ngikthanda ngedwa inoba ndisisbhanxa, In my life, I thought we had it going on,what a lie! I guess your feelings were so strong! Oh oh oh oh oh (Moneoa-Isbhanxa) Me:Thembalethu -_- Ted:yho? Me:Ulilelani? Ted:Ndiyashiywa nguAya :v HA TEDDY ULINDA UAYA NGOK!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 06:30:30 +0000

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