Season #3-72 After church we went to sists house we got there - TopicsExpress


Season #3-72 After church we went to sists house we got there and parked sayongena endlini I took off my shoes ngahamba nge nyawo I wanted to feel the coldness my legs were a bit swollen so I went to help sist ngokuphila ama veggies and we started cooking Her: so are you ready Me: for Her: forgiving your mother Me: I already forgave her ma when you guys prayed for me Her: thats good my baby so uzokhuluma naye Me: I will but not now Her: ba.... Me: before you say anything when she spoke I saw that she still had a lot of anger towards me and my dad and well she was young then if it was Lwethu I dont think Id want her to face a challenge of her being a mother so I kind of understand where she comes from so I will talk to her but I want to let her cool down a bit I want her to see what she said and take responsibility for it Her: your mom needs someone to talk to its like she has been listening too much its time she found someone to listen too Me: I get you Her: ungiphe her numbers Me: uzothini kuye Her: angizokhuluma ngizomlalela nje and advise where I can Me: wow okay Her: baby if you did the job Im doing youll understand why no matter how horrible a persons confession is you never look at them differently and Im not about to look at your mother differently shes also a child of God and by seeing ngendlela ungayo I know your mom ikhona into enhle omfuze ngayo Me: you think Her: I know my baby We continued cooking yabona mina when I cook and something jumps on me and burns me I quit like seriously I dont even go back so ma had to continue so I went to wear my shoes Me: lwethu wheres Lwethu Linda: they must be in their gogos room bathe bafuna ukubheka something on tv Me: kanti wena what are you watching Him: tennis Husbands likes soccer but only eufa and tennis roger federrar thats his sports nje Me: okay cela imali Him: for Me: thenga ama drinks sist yaceda ukupheka Him: so you are going Me: yep I need the exercise Him: you sure Me: ruri dude ngiphe imali please He took out his wallet and gave me R50 Me: thank you Him: and uhambe no muntu Me: mxm I went to sists room and I found them lying on the bed and carpet ncooo no Esi pakithi he was lying on his tummy legs in the air and hands balancing his chin that was just adorable my little chubby niggar Me: poi bhekeni Esi: tv mama pongebob Me: spongebob my boy Sethu: namanga mama we watching garfield Esi: setu futset Me: hehheni Esi yathukana Sethu: wena Esi ngontshela ugogo Esi: mama setu yaphephela Lmao my niggar Me: esi ha.a man dont do this say sorry Him: soyi ah.ha Angisazingeni mina ke Me: Lwethu ngikhaphe baby Her: kuphi Me: shop sothenga ama drinks Her: where are gogos sleepers Me: and walk kahle or else gogo is going to kill you mawungawa ngcolisa Her: Ill be careful ma Me: yenza ke Esi: mama Me: yes poi Him: ahamba Me: jah ngiyabuya mara Him: ahamba moto mama Me: no boy Im walking Him: hamba no papa Me: ha.a hamba no Lwethu Him: okay Shoooo thats it Me: lets go Lwethu Her: breathe mama Im done come lets go Me: Kea awuhambi Him: no thanks Me: ohhh today awufuni ukuhamba nami coz Im walking Esi: mama eish hamba wena arasa Kea: go Esi you heard the big man now bye aunty Lol these kids so I left with Lwethu Me: Im out baby Him: Lwethu take care of mommy Her: I will dad We left and walked to the shops we got there sathenga ama drinks and stock sweets Mrs Nkosi omuhle I turned around it was bloody Boikanyo baby mama ka linda nkoane Skhosana Me: Boikanyo Her: ohh wow you have active eggs hey and Linda wow akachami I sprite neh Me: I guess so how are you Her: oh Im fine wow thats a big baby how far are you Me: 23 weeks Her: wow hes big Im guessing its a boy I mean wow your nose hm Me: no we dont know we want it to be a surprise Her: okay so hows you everything Me: everything is fine and you I see youve gained some weight Her: ohh my husband was promoted Me: oh wow congrats Her: thanks Me: well it was nice to see you we have to dash come baby Her: hey umuhle njani you look like your mom Lwethu: thank you we spoke to bhuti on friday Boika: ohh how is he Lwe: hes fine he says hes taking classes learning italian Boika: wow okay Me: okay we have to go these drinks zizo shisa Boika: I can walk you guys Me: no we fine thanks Lwethu: bye Boika: bye bingelele ubaba wakho neh Me: we will We walked back to the house Lwethu: mama Me: yes baby Her: awumthandi umama ka bhuti neh Me: its not that baby its just she has this thing Her: what Me: you wont understand Her: try me Me: no Her: ohhh shes trying her luck with dad neh Me: babyyy Her: I knew it Me: I didnt say a thing Her: dont worry ma noone is going to break my mom and dad apart I will sort them out myself Me: go lwethu We did a high 5 safika ekhaya Linda: finally Me: ohh baby we were bonding okay Him: thina silambile and we waiting for you guys Lwethu: sorry dad We sat down and said grace then sadla Me: hmm ma this is good Linda: thats my mom for you thats where I got the talent Me: talent Kea: yeah aunty you know malume cooks better than you Me: here we go again really now Lwethu: ma you try but you know dad knows his thing Me: I give up on you all They laughed Sist: bayeke baby Ill teach you how to cook Me: thanks ma We ate and finished and we chilled after a while I went to wash the dishes when I was done we had to go savalelisa ke and we drove back home Safika and we parked sangena endlini and the kids went to bath and wear their pjs it was late and they were tired so they called it a night nathi ke we went to our room and we danced then after sayo geza ke after the bath I went to take my meds ngabuya and we slept I tried but I was just too hungry and craving shame Me: baby Linda: hm Me: ulele Him: yes Me: Im hungry Him: seriously Me: yeah please Him: baby lala toe thina siyavuka kusasa Me: baby fine Ill go make myself Him: yabona wena nale emotional blackmail yakho mxm ufunani He woke up Me: eggs with mayonnaise and chutney uhh baby ne rice He made a face Him: what Me: yes baby huuu and add the spinach sikwi fridge just microwave it Him: are you sure Me: yes please nebisi neh Him: lula uyadla yazi Ill be back He left so I sat on the bed playing games on my phone Lindas phone rang I looked at the caller ID. Was +61 strange number at this time of the night phela it was 12 am midnight so I answered Me: Linda Nkosis phone Caller: morning maam may I speak to Mr Nkosi Me: please hold on Him: thank you I woke up and went to find Linda he was busy making eggs Me: baby phone call Him: who is it so late Me: I dont know thatha He took the phone Him: Nkosi,,,,,,, Im okay thanks and you sir,,,,,,, Mr Lickenby pleasure sir,,,, yes ,,,,,,, okay,,,,,, okay when,,,,, wow okay let me call you in the next 6 hours its midnight here man,,,, no its okay ,,,,,, Ill definitely call you,,, thank you,,,, morning to you too bye He hung up Me: and that smile Him: ohh baby great things are shining on us Me: yeah Him: that was Patrick Lickenby hes in canberra australia hence the number Me: okay Him: hes Adelaide Smiths PA my client Me: so Him: she wants to buy a land that side and she needs my expertise Me: wow you go baby Him: yeah baby so I have to fly to Australia asap Me: fly Him: yes baby I have to go there ohh baby this is what my company needs wow Me: Im happy for you baby I went to hug him with my fake smile I was dying inside he has to go to australia Him: thank you baby Me: so uhamba nini Him: Ill call him in the morning and well set up everything Ill tell you after work Me: Im proud of you baby Him: thank you my baby here your food is ready Me: Im full now baby angisana appetite come lets go sleep Him: you have got to be kidding me Me: Im sorry baby Him: mxm He closed the food and put it in the fridge wayeka ama canda khona lapha on the stove and we went to sleep I just wanted to cry.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 19:32:37 +0000

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