Season 6! :) Insert #1 Asandas heart did a few flips before - TopicsExpress


Season 6! :) Insert #1 Asandas heart did a few flips before she gathered herself and picked the towel up from the floor, but surprisingly, Andile beat her to it. Their heads clash as they both reached for the towel. He stares at her & she has no idea what hes thinking at this point. Asanda “Xolo..” Andile “Its okay, these things happen...” Asanda is completely unaware of the fact that she is chewing her lower lip.. “Why is he so damn attractive” she thought to herself. Andile “If I didnt know better Id think that, that is an official invitation for me to help you bite that lip..” His thumb traced over her lower lip.. Asandas mouth pops open as she gasps & swallows at the same time. Andile “Haha, khaphole, I was kidding..Ina..” He handed her the towel “Amazing body you got there by the way” Waphuma. Asanda quickly got up and tightened the towel around her. Asanda “Geez Im a moist mess & he hasnt even touched me..Asanda get over yourself!” She thought to her self. She slid off the towel & quickly wore her dress & then put on some eyeliner & gloss. She brushed her weave. Wasonga itowel waphuma. She went back to the guestroom to fetch her hand bag. She then head to the lounge & was restricted by a pile of boxes in front of her Asanda “Andile ndigqibi.....” Andile waved one finger in the air as to signal to Asanda that he was on the phone. He waits for him to finish. She can feel his eyes follow her as she sits down & waits for him to finish. Andile “Damnit Ndileka! Ndzakubuyisela imali yakho! Im in a fixed corner, ndiza kuwe and you drop me when I need you the most yhini mntaka mama!.. Okay ndiyabulela Ill be waiting.” He hung up. Asanda wonders idly what the telephonic conversation was about & why he was so desperate to get money from his sister. She quickly banished the thought. Asanda “Yoh iibox ezingaka kwenzeka ntoni” Andile “Im selling the house for a smaller apartment.” Asanda “Why though I mean intle lendlu” Andile “Im in a bit of a financial crisis & besides, with Buhle gone, this house holds too many memories, I want to start afresh..” He takes his car keys from the coffee table & heads for the door. Andile “After you nana” he opens the door for her. Asanda is momentarily paralyzed.. Andile “Are you forgetting something?” Asanda “Ha-Hayi..” Andile “Umele ntoni what is it?” Asanda “Its silly, promise awuzohleka?” Andile “I promise..” Asanda “Its just that akho ndoda eyakhe yandivulela amacango ngaphambili, its all new to me shame.” Andile smiled as he opened the cars door for her. They got inside the car & drove off to Bunkers Hill. Asanda.“Yoh andisenantloni.” Andile. “Ezantoni?” Asanda “indlela endiye ndanxila ngayo phezolo & well..everything..” Andile. “Akho kwanto kanti..” Asanda. “But Im really thankful though” Andile “For?” Asanda “Uhlobo oye wandiphatha ngalo khange ube nento ezi funny or force yourself on me.. Which was very gentle-like of you.” Andile “Okay no, akhonto, but ke on the other hand ububeke ubomi bakho esichengeni.” Asanda “Unyanisile imagine if some other guys took me gqiba ba...” Andile “Ssssh.. Sube uycinga Nana.. So what do you mean..force myself on you? Ucinga ndingumntu onjalo na Asanda?” Asanda “Well.. I ..” Andile “I think we got off on the wrong foot mna nawe, with the whole Sinazo saga & everything, ngoku you have a wrong perception of me..” Asanda “Hayi ayikho njalo, you just never know, kuse Monti apha.” She looks into her handbag & decides to switch her phone on after which it kept beeping zii messages. Andile “Yoh ubusy mos” Asanda “Tuu kanti, ngu Mama lona undijikeleza ngochuku” Andile “Haha, haibo wenzeni?” Asanda “Undixhesha ukuba mandigoduke” Andile “Well awuvuyi kanti wena, to be with your family & all?” Asanda “Hayi wethu ndizakube ndibhorekile kusezilalinu pha & besides, ubomi bam bulapha.” Andile “Liphi ikhaya?” Asanda “Lise Dimbaza” Andile “You dont strick me as the type yokuhlala ezilalini, Im glad youre honest though, I mean most girls who come to study here are never honest about who they really are or come from.So uzakugoduka nin?” Asanda “Most girls? So youve been with most girls?” He grinned.. Andile “Well..not entirely, but I did test some waters while I was still celibate.. So you havent answered me, ugoduka nini?” Asanda “Namhlanje, ndizothatha nje impahla yam kwa SisBusi then ndiyokhwela.. You say while you were celibate, but you did sleep with Sinazo while you were engaged to be married” Andile “Its not like it was something I planned” Asanda “Did you plan not sleeping with me this morning?” The words are out of her mouth before she could stop them. Andile chuckles to himself.. Andile “I didnt sleep with you because I didnt want to sleep with you & thats that..lets just say youre the one that got away...enough about that, can I drive you home?..” Asanda “You would?.. For me?..” Andile giggled.. Andile “Ewe why not?” Asanda “Yoh enkosi ndingavuya ukuba ubunondi sondeza nyani” Andile “andifuni ukusondeza ke mna ndifuna uyokubeka kokwenu nkqo, ndingene ndibulise.” Asanda “yoh uMama anga faint(a)” Andile “Tshini haibo ngoba?” Asanda “uStrict umama yhu, ayingabo aba Mama ba understand(ayo). I think uhlobo aweyelilo uyalazi so she doesnt want me to go that route & I think irelationship yakhe noTata ka Vuyani, well yoTata wethu noVuyani yamAffect(a) ngeyona ndlela. You see the thing is, she failed to protect me while I was still a child ngoku she feels obligated to protect me.” Andile “How so?” Asanda took a deep sigh.. Asanda “I grew up with a step dad & wayendi rape(a) since I was 8 years old, my mother loved that man & never noticed anything until she walked in on him in the ja, thats basically my childhood.See my life?” Andile flushed, the thought of what happened to Asanda angered & hurt him. Andile “Youre a very strong young woman Asanda, really you are..Who wouldve thought.” They got to Bunkers Hill. Asanda “So uzondilinda or?” Andile “I dont mind waiting” Asanda climbed out of the car & made her way inside the house. After about 15 minutes she came out carrying some luggage. Andile loaded the luggage & off they went. Andile drove off.. Bekumnandi kuncokolwa konwatyiwe endleleni. They opened up to each other about themselves & their lives. Indlela yade ayavakala. They made a stop at a Garage for some fuel. He asked one of the gentlemen to clean his windows. Andile “khandikhaphe” Asanda “Siyaphi” Andile “Siyothenga ukutya” Asanda “Andilambanga bendityile kwakho nje” Andile “bekukdala ngoko hayi khawuze fondin.” She climbed out of the car. Andile held her hand as they walked to the Garages One-Stop-Shop. “Okay- what is this hand in hand gesture signaling?” Her subconscious wondered idly. He bought some brunch at Steers, junk food,refreshments & a newspaper at the shop. They sat down at the Cafeteria & ate. He opened & read the newspaper as he ate. Asanda watches how serious his facial expression turned. She watches how yummy he looks while he slowly chews his food. He looks up & she quickly looks down. He is amused by this. Asanda “Uhleka ntoni?” She raised her eyebrow at him. Andile “Ndicinga indlela esadibana ngayo kwa Jeff last year uhamba noSindy nendlela owawu out ngayo when I took you home, nendlela ondweba ngayo xa utye lamayeza akho nonyabe ngayo ngoku. Yaz come to think of it, sisoloko sidibana etwaleni & andiyithandi lonto” Asanda “haha khawuyeke maan, andinyabanga mna” Andile “I want us to go on proper dates” Asanda clears her throat.. Asanda “Dates as in like dates that couples go to?” Andile smiles.. Andile “Yes, those ones..yes” Asanda “Oh...” She is dumbfounded. Bagqiba ukutya bahamba. They got to King Williams Town & Asanda directed him bade bayongena elalini. The gravel road was rocky & dusty as they set off. Asanda “Okay, you can stop here, nakuyaaaaa ekhaya” wamkhombhisa indlu engaphesheya.. Andile “Yileya iLime?” Asanda “Yep..” Andile “Yoh umamakho is a woman of colour mos” Asanda “Mxm uyazibona ke” She folded her arms & looked away.. “MOOOOOOOoooooooo”..a cow walked by & took a dump on the cars tire. Asanda “Yoh!” She burried her face in her hands. Andile “Yintoni?” Asanda “I shouldnt have let you come here, uzogoduka nge moto enuka ubulongwe ngoku ngenxa yam” Andile “When you said uhlala ezilalini & I still agreed to drive you home, I knew what I was getting myself in for” Asanda took a sigh of relief.. Asanda “I cannot thank you enough.. For everything!” Andile “There is definitely more where that came from” Asanda “Well.. I better get going ku late & sekurhotywa leMoto ngee festire” She unclipped her seat belt & just as she was about to climb out of the car, he stopped her in her tracks. They gazed at each other. Asanda could not locate her brain or voice, she went paper blank. He touched her face & traced the bridge of her nose with his strong knowing fingers.. Asanda couldnt hold back, they kissed, his lips warm, soft & supple.. She stops & contains herself before she throws her wet underwear out the window & finds herself on top of Andile.. Asanda “Ha,ana khawuyeke” She giggled.. Andile “How about we go on that first date tomorrow evening, Ill fetch you?” Asanda “But andzokwazi uMama..” Andile “Im not taking no for an answer & youre not getting out until you say yes” Asanda “Yoh..seems like I dont have a choice in the matter..” Andile “Uh, nope..not at all..” Asanda “Okay ke..” Andile lets go & unlocks the doors. She climbs out of the car & he helps her offload her luggage. he hooters, Asanda waves & watches the Mercedes Benz fade away..She rushes home to find her mother cooking in the kitchen, they say their greetings wabe embona ukuba uMama wakhe akatyilekanga tuu. Asanda “Mama ndiyaxolisa akhange ndikwazi ukubuya izolo ngoba bendi busy yinto ye skolo ebekufuneka ndiyifake namhlanje ekseni, bendiyenza eRes ndalala khona because ilaptop yam imoshakele” Phumla “kengoku mntanam yintoni ungasatsho efownini, ucima zi phone! Yoh hayi ezi laptop zenu kuzakufuneka ndikuthengele enye ngo January kule mali inqabileyo” Asanda “Hayi yeka mama ndizakuzithengela ngokwam kula tshintshi ka NSFAS” Phumla “Oh uyabona ke ntombi yam, ndikuthanda ngomcingela uMama. Hambo beka iiSuitcase ubuye uzondinqunqela esispinach upheke imifino ndisabheka kwi prayer yo mama enkonzweni” Asanda “Okay Ma” She put her bags in her room. Her phone beeped, it was a text from Andile: I simply cannot get enough of you, thank you for gracing me with your beautiful presence. Ndikuwe laway joe & I will prove it.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 09:38:54 +0000

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