Second Annual Sky High Volcanic Fundraiser (with cards) for the - TopicsExpress


Second Annual Sky High Volcanic Fundraiser (with cards) for the Meher Free Dispensary, Ahmednagar, India. Starting on Thursday, September 26, Ron Lansing and David DeFauw will be huffing and puffing up and down the 36 to 45 miles of trails and paths that circle Central Oregon’s highest point, the 10,358 foot high South Sister Volcano, in order to raise money for the wonderful Meher Free Dispensary in Ahmednagar, India. If the weather gods will allow it, we may even summit South Sister or nearby Middle Sister. And whether among the turquoise lakes at the base of the mountain, the windswept passes, or the glaciated summits, each mile we will stop and play cards. Scientists tell us that South Sister is slowly bulging from the pressure of the magma underfoot, and this time of year storms blowing in off the Pacific could bring blizzard conditions to the highest points, and when staring down at beautiful teardrop lake in the summit crater, the sulfurous depths of the mountain might dislodge lava or even prehistoric dragons. If any of these things happen, who knows if we will make it but we will keep playing cards. Why would we play cards and walk in such an amazing and possibly treacherous place? To touch the hearts of our dear friends, hoping they donate to The Meher Free Dispensary. Founded by the late Goher Irani, Meher Baba’s personal physician, and Inspired by Meher Baba’s message of love and service, the Meher Free Dispensary gives free medical care to thousands of people in rural Maharastra State. Patients walk or take rickety buses scores of miles to get the excellent treatment available. The clinic is fully supported by donations. The cost to treat an average patient is about $4.50. For treatments that cannot be done in house the clinic will pay for treatments and surgeries at other hospitals. Anyone wanting to donate to the Meher Free Dispensary in honor of our fundraiser or for any other reason, visit their website: . Go to the tab that says “How to Help”. For those that live nearby, we would be happy to forward a check made out to Meher Fund. Meher Fund forwards all the funds they receive for medical care.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:25:44 +0000

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