Second set of new Chemo was administered yesterday and the shot - TopicsExpress


Second set of new Chemo was administered yesterday and the shot was given today. They told me that they did not see why I couldnt use the oils (topical) but would have to ask Dr. K when he returned from cancer conference in Chicago about breathing in anything. All my blood work numbers were crazy this week; worse than any thus far. I was also re-hydrated before chemo was given. It seems that Gatorade does not hydrate you because I have drank more of it between the first new chemo and the second than I have ever drank anything and I was dehydrated. I asked about the joint and bone pains; and the restless legs (as I call them) throughout the weeks in between and was told that the chemo; the shot; and the meds I am on all cause this and there really was nothing they could do about it unless I wanted something stronger. I choose to not take anything stronger as I choose not to take very much of what I already have. As I have said before and reiterated to them again, I do not want to be in a coma throughout all of this. I want to know I am still in this world! My doctor on Monday told me the reason that I have to take the shot was because I am riding below the line they want me above and with the chemo I drop further below the line without the shot and many who drop that are already below the line rarely get back to where they were without a boost (many never return as well) and that is what they have the shot to help me do. So I guess I will take the shot, because I would like to return. I asked if I could exercise and why I could not do what I did a few months ago and why I had no energy or desire to exercise. I know that sounds like an oxymoron of sorts but I asked it anyway. She said, For the last 6 months you have had your body beaten down by non-stop chemo, which is continuing today; not to mention two chest surgeries that take 6 to 8 months for normal patients who arent getting chemo to recover from; and you have surprised us all thus far at how strong you are. You have lung cancer in both lungs now and all the lymph nodes in your chest have cancer as well. You need your lungs to have energy to do the exercises you want to do but they are not healthy and will not do what they were doing just a few months back. You can do whatever exercise your body (lungs) will allow you to do but... The problem is you will continue to find that you become winded by just sweeping a floor and the way you were in the first stage 4 cancer did not have the lung issues attached. You do what you think you can but be careful in the cardio area. Walk, do not run. Lift weights, do squats and pushups. You might be able to even do some situps. But I would not try Insanity or T25 like you were doing right now. You have a long way to go to get back to where you were and it is just like you are starting over having never done any exercise at all. Take it very slow if you find the energy to do anything. Most do not and cannot. All I said was that I would see if I can find the drive to do something and she said, I know you and you will figure it out just like you did the first time. Just dont try something you were doing like Insanity and find you cannot right now and get frustrated. You shouldnt be able to do that right now after all we have put you thru. So I guess I will figure it out eventually. Most of our discussion was on what Ive lost in the exercise/fitness area of things; the nausea that never goes away; and the pain the the bones and joints. She said to save all the other questions for Dr. Ks return. She also warned me that the chemo side effects would probably hit sooner this week and they have. But its all good. I hope this all made sense. My head is a little squirrelly right now. FYI: the oils (to the stomach) helped on the nausea last night. Anyway, I guess thats all that was done. I mean besides, chemo, steroid shots, re-hydration, and the shot today.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:39:04 +0000

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