Second status of this day October 19th. Everyone is corrupted - TopicsExpress


Second status of this day October 19th. Everyone is corrupted in Nepal .We Nepalese are totally corrupt.Our country is Corrupt.If not how the H & B BANK of Nepal itself drew 5 MILLION NPR cash from a businessmans personal account. Perhaps this is GUINNESS record in the NAME of corruption in Nepal. SO SAD.एचएन्डबी बैंकले यसरी खाइदियो ग्राहकको पाँच करोड- at:ratopati/2014/10/19/175378.html#sthash.NRk2E60J.AexKbowm.dpuf October 19th,2014. Kathmandu,Nepal. Every day is corruption day in Nepal. I am shocked to hear that the CIAA Nepal has filed a FAKE qualification case against an assistant sub-Inspector of Nepal police. If Main investigation making bodys employees are fake Certificate holders how about the Teachers and the biggest Bureaucracy of Nepal ? October 17th, 2014. Kathmandu Nepal. >DAILY< DAILY >and DAILY corruption in Nepal. THE CIAA NEPAL HAS FILED a severe CORRUPTION CASE AGAINST a Primary school Teacher of MORANG district of Nepal. There are GOLD MEDALISTS are unemployment in Nepal and FAKE certificate holders are getting jobs even in teachers pst. What a shameful recruitment system of Nepal. We are hearing here in Nepal at least one FAKE certificate case either related to Teacher or Government employee of Nepal within every two days. NEPAL IS A COUNTRY OF CORRUPTION. NO DOUBT. October 16th, 2014. Kathmandu Nepal. Rampant corruption and DAILY corruption report of Nepal. THE CIAA NEPAL HAS FILED a severe CORRUPTION CASE AGAINST at least 4 persons of SARLAHI DISTRICT OF NEPAL. Among them headteacher,chairman of the school management committee, Account controller cum member of the board of directors of the school management committee, and government employ/Education Resource Person.They misused at least 1.4 million NPR CASH from the schools account for their private profit for 5 years continue. And Nepal government machinery could not see this fault for 5 years this is why government eyes were covered by the percentage/ BRIBE/ SPEED MONEY of that amount.This is a drama of government officials and school MGT committee members and head teacher. REALLY NEPAL IS A COUNTRY OF CORRUPTION. NO DOUBT. SO SAD. सर्लाही जिल्ला खोरीया गा.वि.स – १मा अवस्थित सा.प्रा.वि को नाममा हुदै नभएको विद्यालय झोले विद्यालय खडा गरी मिति २०६५।१२।३१ देखि २०७०।६।२० सम्मको अवधिमा पटक पटक सरकारी रकम निकासा लिने दिने कार्यगरी विद्यालयको आय व्ययको सामाजिक तथा अन्तिम लेखा परीक्षण समेत नगराइ आपसी मिलोमतोमा नेपाल सरकारलाई गैरकानुनी हानी नोक्सानी पुर्याई भ्रष्टाचार निवारण ऐन, २०५९ को दफा १७ द्वारा परिभाषित कसुर गरेको हुंदा विद्यालय व्यवस्थापन समितिका अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र राय यादव, प्रधानाध्यापक राजेन्द्र राय र खाता सन्चालक राज कुमारी देवी गरी जना ३ उपर बिगो रु. ७,४४,२१६।५० (अक्षरूपी सात लाख चौवालिस हजार दुई सय सोह्र रूपैया, पैसा पचास) कायम गरी भ्रष्टाचार निवारण ऐन, २०५९ को दफा १७ र सोही ऐनको दफा ३(१) र ३(१) (ङ) बमोजिमको सजाय हुन र तत्कालिन मलङ्गवा श्रोत केन्द्रका श्रोत व्यक्ति भोगेन्द्र कुमारको हकमा बिगो रु. ३,०३,९४८।५० (अक्षरूपी तीन लाख तीन हजार नौ सय अठचालिस रूपैया, पैसा पचास) कायम गरी भ्रष्टाचार निवारण ऐन, २०५९ को दफा ३(१) र ३(१)(घ) बमोजिम हदै सम्मको सजायको मागदाबी लिई निजहरु जना ४ उपर आज विशेष अदालत, काठमाडौंमा आरोप पत्र दायर गरिएको छ I SECOND STATUS OF 15th October,2014.Kathmandu, Nepal. 2 corruption cases filed within half of the day. WITHIN TODAY RIGHT NOW THE CIAA NEPAL HAS FILED MORE TWO CORRUPTION CASES, THE FIRST CASE IS AGAINST THE NATIONAL SOCIAL WELFARE COUNCILS EMPLOYEE WHO HAS PRODUCED A FAKE A INDIAN QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE WHILE JOINING THE JOB. AND NEXT CASE IS AGAINST A PRIMARY SCHOOLS DIFFERENT EMPLOYEES WHO WERE INVOLVED TO MISUSE THE BUDGET FOR THEIR PRIVATE PROFIT. REALLY NEPAL IS A COUNTRY OF CORRUPTION. NO DOUBT. SO SAD. 15th October,2014. Kathmandu, Nepal. ONE DAY AT LEAST ONE CORRUPTION CASE IN NEPAL.SO SAD. According to the charge sheet of the CIAA Nepal it has filed a severe corruption cases in SPECIAL Court against at least 7 persons including existing and previous 3 District Education Officers of Dhanusha District of Nepal. They misused budget for years and years on the name of a FAKE school. Nepal is the land of corruption. No doubt. If Education Office makes corruption on the name of a FAKE school established by the DEO himself in PAPER to do corruption how about the other really corrupt offices of Nepal. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE REST TO BE DONE IN THE NAME OF CORRUPTION IN NEPAL ? 14th October,2014. Kathmandu, Nepal. ONE DAY 3 CORRUPTION CASES IN NEPAL.SO SAD. According to the charge sheet of the CIAA Nepal it has filed 3 corruption cases in sPECIAL Court in only one day. Among them one was Survey officer from Survey office MORANG who has produced INDIAN fake qualification certificate to join the service. And the next is surveyer from Rupandehi district who has taken bribe at his working table at his office at midday. The third case was filed against VDC employees who have misused the cash to distribute to the Senior citizens as social security. AND THE AMAZING NEWS OF NEPALESE MEDIA IS AS FOLLOWS ONE WOMAN FROM JHAPA DISTRICT OF NEPAL NAMED POOJA POKHREL SOLD 30 NEPALESE CHILDREN TO INDIAN HUMAN TRAFFICKERS AT COST OF 1000/- NPR CASH PER CHILD. WHAT IS THIS ? IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE REST TO BE DONE IN THE NAME OF CORRUPTION IN NEPAL ? Nepal is the land of corruption. NO DOUBT. नेपालको नयाँ उखान टुक्का सुनेपछि मलाई पनि जागरिमा बस्न लाज लागेको छ । जुन यस प्रकार छ I ””मुखिया नालायक मुख्य सचिव, गाबिस सचिव नालायक मन्त्रालयको सचिव सह लेखापाल नालायक सहसचिव र पियन नालायक उपसचिव, मुनिको चैँ कुरै नगरौं I तपाईले हालसम्म कतिजना तपाईको जानकारिमा भएका भ्रस्टाचारिहरु उपर अख्तियारमा लिखित उजुरी गर्नुभयो । नगरेको भए तपाई देसको लागी जिउदै मर्नुभयो । साथी तीन खालका हुन्छन । असली साथी =======साथी and द्रब्यपिसाच साथी । यिनमा द्रब्यपिसाच साथी महाखतम हुन्छन साबधान मित्रहरु । The CIaa Nepal has filed a severe SECOND corruption case within one day . A team of Land revenue office KAILALI misused worth NPR 276,756/- cash revenue in only one case within one days corruption in one office. Can we imagine that how much money they have misused within their minimum 40 years FIXED service perio. Nepal is the country of corruption. No doubt. मालपोत कार्यालय टिकापुर, कैलालीका कर्मचारीहरुले कैलाली जिल्ला थापापुर गा.वि.स. वडा नं. २ को कि.नं. १४४ को ०-६-६-० क्षेत्रफल जग्गा पास गर्ने क्रममा धरौटी तथा राजस्व वापत प्राप्त रकम समेत कार्यालयमा दाखिला नगरी अनियमित गरे भन्ने सम्वन्धमा अनुसन्धान हुँदा उक्त कार्यमा संलग्न तत्कालिन निमित्त कार्यालय प्रमुख ना.सु. मोहन वहादुर रसाइली र खरिदार जग्गे प्रसाद उपाध्यायले धरौटी तथा राजस्व वापत भनी लिएको रकम जम्मा रु. २,३७,७५६।- धरौटी तथा राजस्व खातामा दाखिला नगरी आफैले खाई/मासी भ्रष्टाचार निवारण ऐन, २०५९ को दफा ३ द्वारा परिभाषित कसुर गरेको देखिएकोले निजहरुलाई विगो रु. २,३७,७५६।- (अक्षेरुपी दुई लाख सैतीस हजार सात सय छपन्न रुपैया) कायम गरी सोही ऐनको दफा ३(१) तथा ३(घ) द्वारा व्यवस्थित हदैसम्मको दण्ड सजाय हुन र नगद वुझिएको नगदी रसिद समेत लुकाई नोक्सानी समेत पुर्‍याई सोही ऐनको दफा १२ द्वारा परिभाषित कसुर समेत गरेको देखिंदा निजहरुलाई सोही ऐनको दफा १२द्वारा व्यवस्थित सजाय समेतको मागदावी लिई आज विशेष अदालत काठमाडौंमा आरोपपत्र दायर गरिएको छ । The CIAA Nepal has filed a severe corruption case and VERY HATEFUL crime case in special court in Nepal. According to the charge sheet of CIAA Nepal the case has filed against at least 5 persons. Among them one is existing Head teacher,specialist/ teacher of an interview board, chairman of the School Management Committee and the last one is Nepal governments employee cum School Inspector officer. Intentionally they made fail that candidate who was really passed in fair exam. And they intentionally passed that candidate who was really failed in fair examination of a CONTRACT based teachers vacancy in Nepal. If education sector is too corrupt in Nepal how about other really corrupt offices/politics of Nepal ? Nepal is going to be a failure nation due to rampant corruption. Beware NEPALESE PEOPLE at the very beginning. तपाईको घर अगाडि ४०।४२ बर्षसम्र्म सरकारी नोकरीमा वा ८।१० बर्ष नेतागिरिमा लागेर भ्रष्टाचार गरेर कमाएको,कालो पेशाबाट देश चुसेर कमाएको,देश र जनताको रगत चुसेको रसबाट कमाएको रकमले ठूलो महल बनाएर छिमेकमा बसेको ठूलो भ्रष्टाचारीको नाम,थर र कालो संपत्तिको पूरा बिबरण सहितको भ्रष्टाचारको कहानी लेखेर निवेदकमा “अलकत्रा प्रसाद शर्मा” र पाँउनेमा श्री अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोग, भाटभटेनी टँगाल, काठमाण्डौ लेखेर हुलाकबाट रु. ५।— को टिकट टाँसेर पत्रमञ्जुषामा खसालेर पठाई दिन के ले रोकेको छ र ? ठण्डा दिमागले एक पटक सोचेर हेर्नूस त ? तपाईको यो कामले देशले कति राहत पाउला ? हो कि होईन होला ? बाँकि तपाई नै जानिफकार हुनुहुन्छ । घुस खाएर बनाएको ठूलो घर तिम्रो आफ्नै जेल बन्न सक्छ भने किन बनाउनु ?घुसका कारण जेल परे पछि आफ्नै सन्तानले थुक्छन भने किन खानु ? बेकामेनेता ,काला ब्यापारी, घुस्याहा कर्मचारी र तस्कर मात्र धनी भए भने देशमा अर्काे बिनाश आउछ भने किन निम्त्याउनु ? आफ्नै कात्रो किन्ने गरी देशको बिकास निर्माणको रकम किन कमिशन बनाएर खानु ? यसो गर्नेहरु………सँग जबाफ ?
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 09:30:57 +0000

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